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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-185950 · Issue 669195

Withdraw task notification uses correct email sender

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

When withdrawing a Task, the withdraw email was sent from the default email box instead of the expected Application default email box. This was traced to the 'pyTaskDeleted' (notification name for withdraw task) value not being present, which meant the system fell back to the task 'pyTaskAssigned' notification name. To resolve this, an update has been made to have pyIsPulseNotificationDefinition return true for a pyTaskDeleted notification.

INC-216490 · Issue 713634

pxIdentifier dynamically set for DecisionData while using GOS

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When using a Decision Data component in a strategy which was wrapped with Globally Optimized Strategy (GOS), no results were generated from the DataJoin shape under optimized execution. Investigation showed this was caused by a missing .pxIdentifier for the DecisionData shape during GOS execution. There was a workaround of unselecting the checkbox on the Advanced tab in the Decision Data component, but this has been resolved by updating the strategy kernel service so it will dynamically construct the pxIdentifier based on the skills assignment module (SSA).

SR-D24750 · Issue 501748

Resolved importing PublicFormat file using RuleFromFile Wizard

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

When attempting to create a flow from a Public Format XML file using the Rule From File Wizard, the following error was seen: "Problem invoking function: pega_procom_harvest.performXSLT--(String,String,boolean,HashStringMap)". This was caused by a mapping failure related to the pyComments property in baseclass pega social functionality, and has been resolved with the addition of a new page group property pyComments of type "Data-MO-Annotation-Comment" which applies to "Embed-Rule-Obj-Flow-ProcessModel".

INC-197530 · Issue 686027

Value Finder updated for use with external Cassandra nodes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Attempting to use the Value Finder feature resulted in the error "Running Simulation is not possible because the required services are not available. Contact your System Administrator to enable the data flow and decisioning data store services." Analysis traced this to a check which identifies whether there is more than one internal node available for CDH/ DSS node. Since there were only external nodes available in this scenario and no internal nodes, the method returned false and returned the error when the CDH / VF page was launched. To resolve this, the check has been modified to allow for external Cassandra.

SR-D23862 · Issue 503897

Corrected test connection for LDAP AuthService using keystore

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

When using a AuthService rule defined for LDAP using ldaps:// and a KeyStore rule that was defined to reference a local file in the server, the Test Connection button on the AuthService rule did not work and generated the following exception: "com.pega.apache.commons.httpclient.contrib.ssl.AuthSSLInitializationError: I/O error reading keystore/truststore file: null". Investigation showed that file reference keystore did not work with an LDAPS test connection because while run time used the LDAPVerifyCredentials activity, the design time validation used the activity “ValidateInfrastructure” which did not have the required code to support file reference keystore. This has been corrected.

SR-D23862 · Issue 503896

Corrected test connection for LDAP AuthService using keystore

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.4

When using a AuthService rule defined for LDAP using ldaps:// and a KeyStore rule that was defined to reference a local file in the server, the Test Connection button on the AuthService rule did not work and generated the following exception: "com.pega.apache.commons.httpclient.contrib.ssl.AuthSSLInitializationError: I/O error reading keystore/truststore file: null". Investigation showed that file reference keystore did not work with an LDAPS test connection because while run time used the LDAPVerifyCredentials activity, the design time validation used the activity “ValidateInfrastructure” which did not have the required code to support file reference keystore. This has been corrected.

INC-168254 · Issue 659297

Documentation updated for accents and special characters used in search

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

The "Pega search API" article has been updated to reflect that the search functionality in Pega Platform does not match accented words with unaccented. For example, searching for santé and sante will retrieve different results. In addition, Domain Specific Language (DSL) includes special characters for use when searching, for example '-', '_', '!', '@'. However, the system retrieves various results depending on the way the special characters are used in the search query. If the query contains special characters that are not escaped, the system may retrieve incorrect results. For example, not escaping the slash mark in the 25/02 query may cause the system to ignore the special character.

SR-D24750 · Issue 507118

Resolved importing PublicFormat file using RuleFromFile Wizard

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.4

When attempting to create a flow from a Public Format XML file using the Rule From File Wizard, the following error was seen: "Problem invoking function: pega_procom_harvest.performXSLT--(String,String,boolean,HashStringMap)". This was caused by a mapping failure related to the pyComments property in baseclass pega social functionality, and has been resolved with the addition of a new page group property pyComments of type "Data-MO-Annotation-Comment" which applies to "Embed-Rule-Obj-Flow-ProcessModel". In addition, a system property set has been added:'System.setProperty("javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory","");' to make the security flags work properly in java step of 'transformPublicFlow' activity

SR-D44041 · Issue 513919

Local UUID cache will be updated when merge event is detected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

Cluster-related issues were seen in multiple production clusters. For some nodes in the cluster the Cluster Management screen showed all expected nodes with valid Node IDs displayed, and on other nodes the Cluster Management screen showed the node ID of itself, SERVER@localhost:5701. On an impacted node displaying the wrong ID, the Node Information landing page did not work and displayed the error "Unable to execute job on ." Multiple advanced agents running on nodes in the affected clusters, both with correct and incorrect IDs, also failed with a similar error "Unable to execute job on <node's job id>". This was traced to a merge performed after a split brain. To resolve this, the code has been updated to handle merge events: when the node UUID is changed as part of a split brain recovery, the local UUID cache will be updated when the merge event is detected.

SR-D51554 · Issue 514063

Local UUID cache will be updated when merge event is detected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4

Cluster-related issues were seen in multiple production clusters. For some nodes in the cluster the Cluster Management screen showed all expected nodes with valid Node IDs displayed, and on other nodes the Cluster Management screen showed the node ID of itself, SERVER@localhost:5701. On an impacted node displaying the wrong ID, the Node Information landing page did not work and displayed the error "Unable to execute job on ." Multiple advanced agents running on nodes in the affected clusters, both with correct and incorrect IDs, also failed with a similar error "Unable to execute job on <node's job id>". This was traced to a merge performed after a split brain. To resolve this, the code has been updated to handle merge events: when the node UUID is changed as part of a split brain recovery, the local UUID cache will be updated when the merge event is detected.

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