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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-138348 · Issue 599770

Added parameter skipPropertyEvaluation to handle CSS in email HTML

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

While sending an email with custom HTML appended to the email body, a "+" sign in the body was causing the correspondence generation to fail. Investigation showed that if there were CSS classes with braces in the message body, the braces were being removed and replaced via "+" symbol in step 21 of CorrCreate activity. To resolve this, a new Boolean parameter skipPropertyEvaluation has been added in the CorrCreate activity to handle the decision to either evaluate the logic or not, and the pre-requisite will be to resolve all the property references before calling this activity so custom CSS braces { } will be honored when the message body is sent.

INC-132088 · Issue 603084

Updated Tracer for cluster events

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

When running the tracer from the Admin Studio Listener management landing page, Tracer was always fetching data from one node only even though events were generated on another node. This was due to the specific node where the Listener was running being passed to the concern activity while launching the tracer; the Tracer Client node did not have data to check if the event was being populated on another node, and the result was to always fetch data from one node only even though events were generated on another node. To resolve this, the web node ID where the event is running will be passed.

INC-149728 · Issue 608105

Application wizard security updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

A user having PegaRULES:User1 role only was able to run the Create Application wizard until an authorization block was reached, yet some rules were created. No operator records were created as part of this process. This was traced to code left in place after the creation of pxAppConfig and pzAppConfig portals, and has been resolved. The New Application wizard UI will display a message to a user when they lack access to build a new application, and an error will be displayed for any attempt to create a new application directly via pzCreateNewApplication to address a scenario where a user might be trying to call the activity without the front end.

SR-D5904 · Issue 488562

Discard changes dialog now showing for local actions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After having modified case data without saving and clicking on a menu entry (left menu, search, ...), the system shows a dialog box to ask the user to confirm it is ok to discard changes. However, this confirmation dialog did not work with local actions, leading users to lose their work without any warning nor any way to step back. This was traced to a difference in the dirty form check, which was not present when launching a local action from a case. An enhancement has now been added to the handleMenuAction js function in pypega_ui_harnessactions.js which will perform a dirty form check with a prompt.

SR-D16934 · Issue 493702

External Cassandra nodes listed in DDS cluster

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

Nodes of an external Cassandra cluster were not listed in the DDS cluster except for the first one in the host list, and when the “only” listed Cassandra node was restarted, the status on the DDS cluster LP did not become “NORMAL” afterwards. In addition, even though other C* nodes were up and running, the external Cassandra cluster was reported as unreachable. This was an unintended side effect of work done on the landing page to reflect the real state of the nodes after some were killed and restarted, and has been corrected by refining the equals() and hashCode() methods for DDS member info in order to better differentiate the external Cassandra nodes.

SR-D28038 · Issue 501755

External Cassandra nodes listed in DDS cluster

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

Nodes of an external Cassandra cluster were not listed in the DDS cluster except for the first one in the host list, and when the “only” listed Cassandra node was restarted, the status on the DDS cluster LP did not become “NORMAL” afterwards. In addition, even though other C* nodes were up and running, the external Cassandra cluster was reported as unreachable. This was an unintended side effect of work done on the landing page to reflect the real state of the nodes after some were killed and restarted, and has been corrected by refining the equals() and hashCode() methods for DDS member info in order to better differentiate the external Cassandra nodes.

SR-D27644 · Issue 497611

Uploaded attachments will receive a unique name to prevent overwriting

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

An issue with an incorrect file being attached to a work object was traced to overlapping processes. When files are uploaded, they are first saved to common HDD directory and then read into memory and deleted from the HDD area. Files will overwrite other file carrying the same name, which is a problem if the first file is not completely uploaded and is waiting in the common directory and some other file with the same name is uploaded on top of it. To resolve this, an update has been made to ensure file names are appended with a unique identifier to distinguish between files carrying the same names and keep them from overwriting each other.

INC-139966 · Issue 606841

JAWS announces popup error message

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

When a form is submitted without giving value to required field, a browser pop up appears. The expected behavior is that the screen reader (JAWS) should move the focus to the field that has error and read the error message However, JAWS was not announcing the error "Value cannot be blank". This was traced to a scenario where if pega.u.d.fieldErrorType === "ERRORTEXT" is true, the class on the span within the error div will be set to "inputSpans", and this resulted in the return of an empty array for document.querySelectorAll("span.iconError.dynamic-icon-error"). To resolve this, support has been added for the "inputSpans" class.

SR-D26342 · Issue 495414

Tracer issues resolved for Google Chrome browser

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

Tracer was running in the background even after the tracer window was closed. Attempting to run a Tracer in this condition resulted in an error indicating the Tracer was being run by another operator and should be restarted, and in the Dev environment, attempting to start a Tracer once it was closed resulted in the message "Cannot launch multiple Tracer sessions for a requestor." Investigation found that the Tracer session was not being closed when the tracer window was closed because the browser specific method intended to do so was not being called. This was found to be an issue caused by the Google Chrome browser changing the signature of the method, and has been resolved by updating the method name in the TraceMain HTML rule.

SR-D26342 · Issue 498714

Tracer issues resolved for Google Chrome browser

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

Tracer was running in the background even after the tracer window was closed. Attempting to run a Tracer in this condition resulted in an error indicating the Tracer was being run by another operator and should be restarted, and in the Dev environment, attempting to start a Tracer once it was closed resulted in the message "Cannot launch multiple Tracer sessions for a requestor." Investigation found that the Tracer session was not being closed when the tracer window was closed because the browser specific method intended to do so was not being called. This was found to be an issue caused by the Google Chrome browser changing the signature of the method, and has been resolved by updating the method name in the TraceMain HTML rule.

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