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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-142084 · Issue 599877

Support added for expression in strategy scorecards

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When invoking REST against a dataflow that had a strategy containing a scorecard that used an expression and the "Include model explanations option" was enabled in the Strategy configuration, the system failed with the error "PropertyValueInvalid .pxMaxScore Cannot cast the value (unknown) to double". This was traced to the Scorecard explanations failing during serialization when an expression was used, and has been corrected.

INC-146174 · Issue 602868

Chevron vs Back button in screen flow made consistent

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When using the TabbedScreenFLow7 harness with the "Enable navigation Link" and "Only allow navigating back to step" settings for the flow along with client-side validations, the validations were ignored when using the back button but using the chevron displayed a validation error. Investigation showed that the case action area buttons and bread crumb navigation were out of sync during the back button operation. This has been resolved by updating the ProcessStep function in BreadCrumbTrial library to pass skipValidations while calling gotoprevioustask.

INC-215046 · Issue 714673

Deleting case in create stage returns user to home/Dashboard

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When using a multi-step form in Create Stage, performing a Cancel + Save&Close, then re-opening the case and using a Cancel + Delete, the result of the cancelation is not shown and the user is not returned to the Home/Dashboard screen. This was caused by an issue where the specific AJAX container was not closed, and has been resolved by modifying the pyCaseActionAreaButtons to execute the pyCloseCase local action when clicked to close the case.

SR-D85339 · Issue 548183

Calendar AM/PM corrected for Chinese locale

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When using the Chinese locale (zh_CN), opening a calendar control in the Report definition to select filter values resulted in the Calendar tab dropdown showing "上午" (AM) when the system time was in "下午" (PM). Investigation showed that when generating a non-auto date time control, ampm text (i.e. string value) was compared with the generated select component using locale specific values which did not match any time, so AM was always selected as it was the first value in the dropdown. To resolve this, the system has been updated to use the locale specific AM PM values for non-auto-generated date time control.

INC-196186 · Issue 725413

Check added for repeating dynamic layout submit context

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

The postprocess of a local action was not executing when the local action was in a table that contained a repeating dynamic layout, and a null pointer exception was generated. Investigation determined that when a repeating dynamic layout was used inside a grid, the submit action on the layout was incorrectly happening in the context of the grid. To resolve this, a check has been added to determine whether the repeating dynamic layout is inside a grid so the correct context is used.

INC-137100 · Issue 604060

Added predictive text handler for Japanese on iOS

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

The autocomplete function was not working well in MobileView when using Japanese IME on iOS. This has been resolved by adding a new input handler for IOS mobile, which will be triggered when predictive text is selected in mobile.

INC-159143 · Issue 628921

Methods updated to prevent rounding of JSON response decimals

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

When using a REST connector for an outside service, precision numbers in the JSON response were being rounded or truncated when parsed for the DataSource page. For example, a JSON message with a value like 6045.900000000000000001 became rounded to 6045.9. This happened in both methods used for fast and non-fast processing, and has been resolved by treating the decimal value as a string and then creating a BigDecimal object out of it to avoid truncation in the fast processing scenario, and by adding mapper.enable(DeserializationFeature.USE_BIG_DECIMAL_FOR_FLOATS); for the non-fast processing scenario.

INC-147643 · Issue 605388

Corrected filtering logic for Report Definition with declarative join

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When using a report definition with declarative join enabled, running the report produced the correct results, but filtering on any other column resulted in all values being shown. This has been resolved by modifying the logic used for pzGetGridColUniqueValues.

INC-144103 · Issue 599682

Updated filter logic for filtering on a DateTime column

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When a class join was used in a report definition, the error "The Filter Logic used in the report is invalid" appeared while filtering rows of a report definition results on a DateTime column. This was a missed use case, and has been resolved by modifying pzGridSortPaginate to convert the data type value into the proper casing.

INC-147621 · Issue 604284

Updated filter logic for filtering on a DateTime column

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When a class join was used in a report definition, the error "The Filter Logic used in the report is invalid" appeared while filtering rows of a report definition results on a DateTime column. This was a missed use case, and has been resolved by modifying pzGridSortPaginate to convert the data type value into the proper casing.

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