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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-148552 · Issue 607367

Added ability to disable dirty form browser alerts

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

In order to add support for those who do not want to see a browser alert pop-up when cancelling a work item after making changes but do want the out-of-the-box Dirty popup to be displayed, an update has been made to add a configurable flag. If pega.u.d.bUseNativeDirtyConfirm is set to false, only Pega dirty dialogs will be shown. Setting it to true will show the Pega dirty dialog or else the browser dirty dialog for an event object.

INC-142145 · Issue 594915

Resolved 403 error for refresh of incognito window with CSRF

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

Opening the simpleurl in a fresh incognito window opened the work object in a standard thread, but on refresh of the window a 403 error appeared and the screen went blank. This was a missed use case for the recently-added CSRF validation for non-ajax get requests which are redirected post requests. The CSRF token was being validated if pzPostData was in the request, but once the original request was complete the request map was cleared and the pzCtkn value in the request map was empty, resulting in the 403 error. To resolve this, the system will skip CSRF validation for a refresh scenario where the post data request map is empty after the original request, and validation has been added for the blank pyActivity in the request.

INC-144888 · Issue 603616

Custom rich-text editor plugin support updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

At runtime, two rich-text editors were used in the same harness under two different sections, one regular and one hidden till clicked. A custom plugin was implemented for rich-text editor at the harness level. After upgrade, the custom plugin was not getting displayed in the hidden rich-text editor. Investigation showed that if plugins were added to pega.ctx.customrich-text editorPlugins, then the plugin manager discarded plugins from pega.u.d.customrich-text editorPlugins. To resolve this, the rich-text editor plugin manager has been modified to merge the plugins from pega.ctx.customrich-text editorPlugins and pega.u.d.customrich-text editorPlugins.

INC-150731 · Issue 612883

Stages list wraps in App Studio preview

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

While previewing an application in App Studio, the Approval stage section which included a header containing a chevron with each of the eight stage names across the top was displayed with the center pane expanded to accommodate the header and part of the right pane content pushed off the right edge of the window. A horizontal scroll bar was also added even though the stage names were truncated and displayed with ellipses ("..."). Investigation showed that the styles targeting stages were using flex nowrap as part of custom styles generated in pyenduser, and the styles have now been updated for stages for desktop to wrap if the number of stages would otherwise extend the screen.

INC-202677 · Issue 698989

Handling added for missing expose.accessGroup property

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

After exposing an existing page group and page list properties along with single value properties using a declare index, running the Column Populator tool prpcServiceUtils to populate the historical data resulted in the single value properties being updated in the exposed column properly, but the page group and page list properties were not updated in the declare index table. On new case creation the declare index tables were updated. This was traced to the default expose.accessGroup not being set for the user, and has been resolved by adding a check and handling that will add the missing property in defining the access group for the Rule-Declare-Index of the classes being exposed if it is not present.

INC-193047 · Issue 697578

Added handling for nested clipboard pages

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

On save of sections that have items (cells) nested more than one layer deep and have either "Show menu" or "Run data transform" actions, silent errors were found in the tracer indicating "Attempting to access a rule with a bad defined-on class: Trying to open rule ... of class "Rule-Navigation", but no defined-on class (pyClassName) was specified". This was due to the pzActionShowMenu Rule-Utility-Function and pzActionRunDataTransform Rule-Utility-Function assuming the clipboard page structure was only one layer deep, and has been resolved by using findRulePageFromCurrentPage from

INC-150367 · Issue 606028

Double quotes escaped in entity mapping

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

A usecase where the BOTS created the triage cases from the emails and pushed it to the Workgroup had an intermittent problem where the screen would freeze and no actions could be performed. perform any action on the same. Investigation showed this occurred when the entity text contained double quotes which is caused JSON to break on the client side. This generated an exception during rendering, and other onload scripts failed on load and blocked the entire thread. To resolve this, the system will now avoid the JSON break by escaping double quotes in entity mapping.

INC-146595 · Issue 604789

Initialized entryName for light weight inventory instance

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

When running deployment on a new pipeline created for the next minor version, once the deployment process got to the point of showing aged updates, the “view aged updates” came back as blank screen. Viewing the logs showed the aged update elements come back but were missing the pyName associated with them. Investigation showed that the system did not have support for setting the mEntryName for LightweightInventoryInstance objects. This has been resolved by adding a junit to ensure that getEntryName() doesn't return as null and should be equal to pzInsKey.

INC-150873 · Issue 612897

Performance improvement for saving ADM model rule

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

Saving an ADM model rule generated a heap dump. The stack trace from the heap dump showed a thread consuming the maximum memory (4.7 GB of memory). Configurations on all factories are updated when a model rule is saved, but at the time of development it was not expected that there would be a lot of factories in a Dev environment so the system was loading all existing factories simultaneously into memory and updating configurations on them. To improve performance, an update has been made which will now sequentially load factories and update the configuration.

INC-155294 · Issue 626663

Enhancement added for attachment size handling with Kafka

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

Attempting to send an email attachment larger than 2 MB resulted in the error "Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RecordTooLargeException: The message is 8101592 bytes when serialized which is larger than the maximum request size you have configured with the max.request.size configuration." This has been resolved by updating the Stream SPI size to 2.0.5-14 to support custom producer configurations. The settings can be passed as environment parameters, for example 'Dstream.producer.max.request.size=500990'.

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