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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-153692 · Issue 620244

Added accessibility to Report view context menu

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

When on the My Reports screen and a Summary report is selected, the Report Viewer displays a Summarized Reports table with a column header that opens a command menu upon right-click of the mouse. This functionality is enabled in the Report Definition rule by selecting the checkbox Enable column command menu under the Report Viewer tab. Although keyboard users can open the menu via Shift+F10, keyboard users who cannot see the screen were not informed that this functionality is available as the screen reader did not announce this. This has been resolved.

INC-150762 · Issue 609548

Support added for Android mobile app with _ in AppId

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

Login on Android devices was not working for a non-offline mobile app built with with Pega and PIMC 8.5.204. This was traced to the use of an underscore in the AppID. PIMC launches authentication in a custom tab which is fully isolated from the mobile application; after providing valid credentials, the mobile client gets notified by meta-tag "refresh", which contains a redirect uri with authentication code & state. According to RFC 3986 the scheme should not contain underscore "_" character, so the Google Chrome custom tab was not respecting redirect uris with an underscore. To resolve this, underscore will be allowed in Certificates > Add certificate set, but the system will replace all underscores with hyphens during handling.

INC-135405 · Issue 582004

Simple button style updated to allow customization

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

The Simple button style was not picking up the correct border style that was defined in the Skin rule when in the hover state. This was traced to the border radius value hard-coded in one of the custom files taking precedence over the value added for the border radius in the skin format. To resolve this, the simple button styles code has been removed from the controls.css file that had the border radius value hardcoded. The styles for simple button format will be configured in the skin, and a mixin has been added for modal buttons border styles that can be configured in the skin itself.

INC-145535 · Issue 600785

Corrected layout group overlapping content

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

When an editable Table with Master Detail Edit has a section that contains a Layout group (Tab) inside the Master Detail Flow Action, if there are more layout group headings than that can be contained in the screen, a left and right arrow are displayed to toggle between headings in the layout group heading bar. However, timing issues sometimes caused the contents of the layout group to overlap on top of the content below the layout group and the screen was freezing with a loading icon. This was traced to console errors, and has been resolved by adding an 'undefined' check to prevent those errors.

INC-190708 · Issue 695488

Save works on Ajax container without Dynamic container

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

After opening a work object and making changes to a required field, pressing the save button did not give any visual indication that the save was performed. Hitting cancel generated a dirty pop up saying changes will be discarded, indicating no save was done. When an Ajax container is configured without a Dynamic Container, all the content is rendered inside a fieldset tag instead of a form tag. While performing the save, the API was looking for the form element in the document and could not find any, and the save failed. This has been resolved by updating the submitWhenFail() API to handle both fieldset and form elements in the dom.

INC-138348 · Issue 599770

Added parameter skipPropertyEvaluation to handle CSS in email HTML

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

While sending an email with custom HTML appended to the email body, a "+" sign in the body was causing the correspondence generation to fail. Investigation showed that if there were CSS classes with braces in the message body, the braces were being removed and replaced via "+" symbol in step 21 of CorrCreate activity. To resolve this, a new Boolean parameter skipPropertyEvaluation has been added in the CorrCreate activity to handle the decision to either evaluate the logic or not, and the pre-requisite will be to resolve all the property references before calling this activity so custom CSS braces { } will be honored when the message body is sent.

INC-132088 · Issue 603084

Updated Tracer for cluster events

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

When running the tracer from the Admin Studio Listener management landing page, Tracer was always fetching data from one node only even though events were generated on another node. This was due to the specific node where the Listener was running being passed to the concern activity while launching the tracer; the Tracer Client node did not have data to check if the event was being populated on another node, and the result was to always fetch data from one node only even though events were generated on another node. To resolve this, the web node ID where the event is running will be passed.

INC-149728 · Issue 608105

Application wizard security updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

A user having PegaRULES:User1 role only was able to run the Create Application wizard until an authorization block was reached, yet some rules were created. No operator records were created as part of this process. This was traced to code left in place after the creation of pxAppConfig and pzAppConfig portals, and has been resolved. The New Application wizard UI will display a message to a user when they lack access to build a new application, and an error will be displayed for any attempt to create a new application directly via pzCreateNewApplication to address a scenario where a user might be trying to call the activity without the front end.

INC-139966 · Issue 606841

JAWS announces popup error message

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

When a form is submitted without giving value to required field, a browser pop up appears. The expected behavior is that the screen reader (JAWS) should move the focus to the field that has error and read the error message However, JAWS was not announcing the error "Value cannot be blank". This was traced to a scenario where if pega.u.d.fieldErrorType === "ERRORTEXT" is true, the class on the span within the error div will be set to "inputSpans", and this resulted in the return of an empty array for document.querySelectorAll("span.iconError.dynamic-icon-error"). To resolve this, support has been added for the "inputSpans" class.

INC-150072 · Issue 621294

Section Include error handling updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

When trying to add or include a section in the design template mode of a section rule or during run time of the application, the error "java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1" was generated. Investigation showed this was originating from the SectionIncludeForm_Post activity of the class Rule-File-Form, and was traced to a system error related to the 'if' condition which verifies the circular reference of the section being newly added. Because this was a system error and not one generated by Pega, there was no handling for it. To resolve this, the sectionincludepost activity in rule-form class has been updated to determine the source and properly handle the error messages.

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