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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-131384 · Issue 584856

Documentation updated for troubleshooting inline images for email

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

Inline images were not showing by default when sending emails. To assist in this, the troubleshooting information for email has been updated with the following information: Correct configuration for display of inline images via Email bot is one that is shipped standard. To support Rich text in email display via Email bots, Email body must be stored 'As HTML attachment' (the setting on auto generated Service Email rule). In addition, no other setting on listener must be changed especially 'Embed inline images'(should remain unchecked) on Email listener rule. Combination of these 2 settings causes Email bot to save - 1. Email body as attachment 2. All inline images as attachment At runtime UI display, these 2 are recombined to display proper email. This is done in order to increase performance because images are lazily loaded.

INC-130695 · Issue 587660

Enhancements for upgrading in multi-tenant environment

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.2

Some muti-tenant installations use the same applications or rule instances with the same pzInsKeys for different tenants. This can cause upgrades to time out due to the system fetching all pzInsKeys (which will have duplicates) and working with them in a default batch size of 500 each over 4 threads. This led to the same keys potentially being allocated and processed in different threads, resulting in duplicate processing and timeouts. This has been resolved by updating the select query to fetch the tentantid and pzInskeys in the MT system to avoid duplicate work in multiple threads. In addition, running Generate Declarative indexes fetches the pzinskeys and generates indexes for each record, but before generating, the existing index for the record is deleted and then inserted. Because the delete query to generate the index was not tenant aware, all of the records for the key were deleted for the tenants for that key, but the new index was created only in one tenant. This has been resolved by enhancing the DELETE query to be tenant aware, which will avoid deleting the indexes for all the tenants given an index key.

INC-152057 · Issue 621210

S3 attachment migration handles LInk-Attachment with multiple instances

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

After S3 attachment migration, some attachments were intermittently not opening and displaying an error relating to being unable to load the file. Investigation showed that the attachments that failed to open did not have a pxStorageType tag in the XML of the work item. After the migration is done, the corresponding Data-WorkAttach-File and Link-Attachment instances are updated to point them to the repository. In this case, multiple LInk-Attachment instances were pointing to the same Data-WorkAttach-File instances, so only one Link-Attachment was updated and all of the other instances pointing to the same Data-WorkAttach-File instance were rendered unusable. While there was a workaround of manually updating the storage type in the database, this has been resolved by updating "pzgetattachmentcontent","pzupdatesourcereferences", and "pzuploadcontenttoexternalstorage" to check whether attachment is already migrated or not using the boolean parameter "isAttachmentAlreadyMigrated" to ensure all of the other Link-Attachment instances for a particular attachment are updated. If a migration was done and all Data-WorkAttach-File instances are pointing to a repository with some Link-Attachment instances not updated, those will be updated by running the migration again.

INC-155908 · Issue 625218

Logic updated for handling future events in strategy tests

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

After upgrade, there was an unexpected exception "EventStrategy error in SerializeUtil: Integer too large to read, Size:48" while retrieving the final BBK aggregate results during strategy tests with several different pre-existing customerIDs, and no results were returned. When aggregations are read, there is a check to make sure the system does not return empty records. The logic for determining whether there is empty data in the record was mistakenly reading the event count from the wrong bytes which were part of a date for 2023. This was due to the second byte of the year date in hex being interpreted as the start of the event count. As a workaround, results are returned if no pxOutcomeTime dates in the database are more than a year in advance along with all aggregate datasets being recreated on production immediately after upgrade from v8.1 to v8.5. To resolve this issue going forward, the logic has been updated to handle the errors, and future records will trigger a warning in the log with information such as "Event time greater than current time in clipboard page. Event Time = Mon Mar 10 14:46:27 UTC 2025, Current Time = Tue Feb 09 14:18:49 UTC 2021. Ignoring event...".

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