INC-166844 · Issue 651407
Email bot updated to handle negative and positive feedback on the same text
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
When positive and negative training was done on the same piece of text, text extraction by Email Bot failed. For example, when using the sentence. “John Smith plays cricket”, the bot detects “John” as person name. If user wants to train the bot to detect “John Smith” as the entity, the user needs to first remove “John” and build the model, and then select “John Smith” and build the model again. In this case, the email bot never again detects “John Smith” as person name due to the negative feedback given for “John”. This was traced to the entities having same the startIndex/endIndex, and has been resolved by removing entities of the same modelName which have the pyIsRemoved property as true so that multiple entity models are detected on the same word.
INC-170135 · Issue 652525
Rich HTML handling added for outbound email
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
The HTML content was visible in the received email when replying from the email pane in the existing email interaction. This has been resolved by adding logic to handle rich HTML for outbound email.
INC-173193 · Issue 660936
Resolved exception from isArchived
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
After update, the message "ERROR - Could not retrieve the database time" was seen. This was traced to the interactions of the isArchived API with a version of Oracle, and has been resolved by adding code to skip the isArchived() API call if pzIsPegaCloud is set to false.
INC-175994 · Issue 667482
Removed redundant Microsoft Outlook email interaction chain
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
When opening an email interaction case, the email editor user interface area showed the complete email chain of the email for every new message that came in related to the case. This was traced to the difference in the selectors that various email clients use to construct a response to an email with email history in it, and has been resolved by updating the selectors for Microsoft Outlook in pyRichTextEmailHistorySelector so no conversation is repeated when using that client.
INC-176881 · Issue 669702
Resource added to extract email threading code from message body
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
In some scenarios the case ID was not being sent in the subject of email replies as expected, and the secure tracking code was part of the email body instead. That caused replies back to the email thread to create a new email interaction case instead of properly threading the new message into the conversation. Investigation traced this to some email clients removing space after the tracking code. To resolve this, an update has been made which will extract the tracking code from email-content html if it is found and otherwise fallback to the email body.
INC-179722 · Issue 659280
Added handling for legacy HTML formatting in Email Manager Bot
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
When implementing Email Manager Bot features, pyBody fields were removing the additional spaces and causing the NLP model to not extract the correct data. Investigation showed HTML formatting from older version of Microsoft Outlook created nbsp; instead of space. This has been resolved by ensuring nbsp is replaced with spaces before calling JSoup clean.
INC-179888 · Issue 663846
Training data correctly added to model
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
Negative training data was not getting added to the entity model. This was traced to logic used to remove consecutive spaces which was incorrectly removing new lines and leading to entity detection of entities such as address line. This logic has now been removed.
INC-181267 · Issue 663666
Enhancements added to support Pega-SocialDocuments with Case Archival
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
Attachments can be added using the Recent content widget create Pega-SocialDocuments or Link-Association-Documents, but Case Archival only supported Link-Attachments. This resulted in Pega-SocialDocuments that were not visible when viewing the archived case. This has been resolved with an enhancement to support PegaSocial-Document attachments to a case: - Internal as well as external PegaSocial-Document attachments are archived - For external PegaSocial-Document attachments, only the reference is archived - Both kinds of attachments are retrieved and displayed (either the file or reference to the file) by the ArchivalReview harness - Attachments are downloadable - The exposed properties of the attachment are visible - If the social document is attached to multiple cases, then after archival of one case, the other live cases will continue to have access to that social document. Please note that while a PegaSocial-Document can be created independently and does not need to be attached to a case, this enhancement to Case Archival does not support that use case.
INC-184155 · Issue 673072
Entity Detection prefers first detected entity
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
Entity detection shown in the "Training data" tab of the email channel did not match with the results of running the corresponding text analyzer rule. This occurred when a single piece of text was detected as multiple entity values, which led to the last entity detected being picked for case mapping because of the unclear scenario of duplicate entities. To resolve this, pxmapresponseentities has been updated to prefer the first detected entity.
INC-184834 · Issue 669458
Channel copy text analyzer detection updated
Resolved in Pega Version 8.7
The error message "No unlocked Ruleset versions are available. Please add or unlock a ruleset to create a new channel." was displayed when trying to save a new interface. This was traced to the system copying the channel to incorrect classes/names due to detecting an incorrect type of text analyzer and copying the wrong rules. To resolve this, the method of detecting the text analyzer type on channel copy has been updated.