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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-207009 · Issue 701555

Explicit expiration added to avoid searching for expired requestor

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

A login page was taking long time to display. This was traced to pre-authentication cookie in the browser pointing to the requestor object on the server which triggered a lookup across the entire cluster of servers to find the requestor. This was not only taking time, but the attempt to find the requestor in the cluster would always fail to return results as the requestor was not passivated but instead removed after two minutes. To resolve this, an expiration has been added to the Pega-RULES cookie when the value is pre-authenticated. The time to expire is derived based on the short-lived requestor time for unauthenticated requestors + 1 minute, and will be 2 minutes by default. This will avoid searching for a requestor across all nodes in cluster when the requestor has already timed out and been destroyed by server.

INC-205666 · Issue 702936

Database table correctly prevents deletion if there are descendant classes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

When deleting a concrete class with descendant classes via an activity (Rule-.Delete), the Rule-Obj-Class.ValidateDeleteInternal activity was throwing an error message indicating the class could not be deleted due to descendant classes. However, the corresponding database table rule was deleted anyway. Investigation showed this was caused by ValidateDeleteInternal not reaching the Obj-Save-Cancel step. This can be fixed by modifying step 11, the post when conditions, to jump to END and set the END label at the Obj-Save-Cancel step instead Exit-Activity, but this issues has been resolved by updating all failure states to run end step. In addition, security has been updated to disallow "Allow invocation from browser".

INC-209426 · Issue 706804

GetFunctionsForLibrary retrieves 10,000 rows

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

Some functions were missing from the expression builder browser and search results when pyShowInternalLibrary was set to true for including internal functions in the results. To resolve this, the default value for "Maximum number of rows to retrieve" in pzGetFunctionsForLibrary has been increased to 10,000.

INC-219310 · Issue 717115

WorkSearchGadget updated in Theme-Cosmos-02-01

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

The search icon was not working in Cosmos after update, which was traced to the search icon not having an action set. This has been addressed in Theme-Cosmos-03-01, but in this scenario Theme-Cosmos-02-01 was set as the Application definition instead of Theme-Cosmos-03-01. To resolve this, Theme-Cosmos 02-01-01 has been updated to use the newest version of the @baseclass.WorkSearchGadget section.

INC-211208 · Issue 709647

Added fallback handling for missing Google Maps marker value

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

The Google maps location position control was not showing the marker if the marker source was a Property. No issues were seen if a data page was used as the marker source. This was due to the pega.util. Dom.getElementsByName(markerPropertyHandle) being returned as null. Since the property value was not found in DOM, the latitude and longitude values were not resolved for the marker object. This has been resolved by relying on the markerPropertyValue as a fallback in case the property bound to the marker is not part of the DOM.

INC-214160 · Issue 709282

Access group context handling updated for Mobile

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

After update, a new mobile application for a specific access group was not applying the correct access group for an operator with multiple access groups but instead used the default access group. This has been resolved by moving the logic responsible for switching access groups for Pega Mobile Client from the Authorization.getInitialAccessGroup class to the SessionAccessgroupInfo class to ensure Authorization/SessionAuthorization gets the information about the default access group for the current context.

INC-210639 · Issue 705346

Query limit removed from Scenario Planner

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

Scenario Planner was not correctly finding or opening some Audience Simulations. Investigation showed that when there are 500+ completed data flows, the system was failing to load next 500 records from pegadata.pr_data_decision_ddf_runtime. This has been resolved by removing the query limits, and additional debug logging has been added.

INC-213625 · Issue 712296

Corrected null values being set to 0 in GenerateExcel

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

The pxGenerateExcelFile activity was loading $0.00 in place of a null value for decimal columns. This has been resolved by updating the logic for to skip double properties default value for non-existent clipboard props and extend the same fix to the integer class. Safety checks have been added before setting cell type to check if property exists, and handling has been added for a specific exception instead of generic exception for both decimal and integer use cases.

INC-208516 · Issue 705099

Patchdate values made unique

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

The hotfix manager was incorrectly indicating that a previous hotfix was not installed or was partially installed and should be reinstated. This scenario was created during security updates where the missing/incomplete hotfix had been deliberately deleted from the database, and has been resolved by adding an update which will force patchdate to be unique when adding duplicate code resources during tests.

INC-210680 · Issue 712071

Updated logic for setting param.PrimaryPage in transfer

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

TransferAssignment was failing intermittently when doing routing either by background processing or manual transfer. Investigation showed this was caused by a null param.PrimaryPage value which resulted in a NullStepPage exception. This has been resolved by adding a Property-Set method just before calling the activity pxTransferAssignment. In addition, the "Require authentication to run" check box in the pxTransferAssignment activity has been set to on.

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