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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-170423 · Issue 648985

Added catch for SAML WebSSO duplicate key exception

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

After logging in from SSO, closing the Pega window and opening it again resulted in the error "Unable to process the SAML WebSSO request : Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint. Cannot insert duplicate key in object." This has been resolved by updating the session index handling and adding a catch for the duplicate key exception.

INC-162434 · Issue 640050

LookUpList correctly executes during SSO login with model operator

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.1

After configuring SSO to create operators on fly using a model operator, a new user logging in for the very first time had their operator ID created using the model operator, but after update new users logging in to the system received the error "Only authenticated client may start this activity: RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY @BASECLASS LOOKUPLIST". This was due to the methods used for additional security on the activity @baseclass LookUpList which allows it to only be run by authenticated users, and has been resolved

INC-175897 · Issue 655467

LookUpList correctly executes during SSO login with model operator

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.1

After configuring SSO to create operators on fly using a model operator, a new user logging in for the very first time had their operator ID created using the model operator, but after update new users logging in to the system received the error "Only authenticated client may start this activity: RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY @BASECLASS LOOKUPLIST". This was due to the methods used for additional security on the activity @baseclass LookUpList which allows it to only be run by authenticated users, and has been resolved.

INC-162434 · Issue 640051

LookUpList correctly executes during SSO login with model operator

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

After configuring SSO to create operators on fly using a model operator, a new user logging in for the very first time had their operator ID created using the model operator, but after upgrade new users logging in to the system received the error "Only authenticated client may start this activity: RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY @BASECLASS LOOKUPLIST". This was due to the methods used for additional security on the activity @baseclass LookUpList which allows it to only be run by authenticated users, and has been resolved.

INC-175897 · Issue 655466

LookUpList correctly executes during SSO login with model operator

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

After configuring SSO to create operators on fly using a model operator, a new user logging in for the very first time had their operator ID created using the model operator, but after upgrade new users logging in to the system received the error "Only authenticated client may start this activity: RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY @BASECLASS LOOKUPLIST". This was due to the methods used for additional security on the activity @baseclass LookUpList which allows it to only be run by authenticated users, and has been resolved.

INC-200299 · Issue 689561

LookUpList correctly executes during SSO login with model operator

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

After configuring SSO to create operators on fly using a model operator, a new user logging in for the very first time had their operator ID created using the model operator, but after upgrade new users logging in to the system received the error "Only authenticated client may start this activity: RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY @BASECLASS LOOKUPLIST". This was due to the methods used for additional security on the activity @baseclass LookUpList which allows it to only be run by authenticated users, and has been resolved.

SR-B17403 · Issue 297717

Resolved concurrent mod exceptions when using getValueInType API

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

Concurrent modification exceptions were observed in the logs when the getValueInType API was called to fetch property values from multiple threads. To resolve this, the getValueInType API has been made thread safe by synchronizing its access.

SR-C93726 · Issue 435285

Work status icons work correctly when using localization

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

The pyWorkAssignmentStatus control was not displaying the status flags/icons for localized work status values due to a match failure caused by the system using the localized text for the pyAssignmentStatus to perform a string comparison against the hard-coded English values. To correct this, the control pyWorkAssignmentStatus has been modified to run the comparisons with the new string "assignmentStatus" instead of with the localized text.

SR-B32618 · Issue 276417

Enhancement added to maintain blank properties when using History Snapshots

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

In HistorySaver, using ClipboardProperty.setValue to save snapshot data for the previous version of the rule had the side effect of stripping blank properties from the clipboard page, and so any rules that rely on these properties would not be restored correctly. To resolve this, an enhancement has been added to specially handle instances History- class and its descendants to serialize blob with EmptyProperties.

SR-B32618 · Issue 276417

Enhancement added to maintain blank properties when using History Snapshots

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

In HistorySaver, using ClipboardProperty.setValue to save snapshot data for the previous version of the rule had the side effect of stripping blank properties from the clipboard page, and so any rules that rely on these properties would not be restored correctly. To resolve this, an enhancement has been added to specially handle instances History- class and its descendants to serialize blob with EmptyProperties.

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