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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

SR-B37819 · Issue 296299

SAML SessionInfo cleanup enhanced

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

The following SAML issues have been corrected: 1) when IDP logout URL was empty, SAMLSingleLogOff activity generated an exception; 2) the SAML Session info record was not deleted during logout process even when given a valid IDP logout URL; 3) the SAML session info record was not deleted for both SP and IDP initiated logouts.

SR-B43950 · Issue 300643

SAML SessionInfo cleanup enhanced

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

The following SAML issues have been corrected: 1) when IDP logout URL was empty, SAMLSingleLogOff activity generated an exception; 2) the SAML Session info record was not deleted during logout process even when given a valid IDP logout URL; 3) the SAML session info record was not deleted for both SP and IDP initiated logouts.

SR-B43950 · Issue 301551

SAML SessionInfo cleanup enhanced

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

The following SAML issues have been corrected: 1) when IDP logout URL was empty, SAMLSingleLogOff activity generated an exception; 2) the SAML Session info record was not deleted during logout process even when given a valid IDP logout URL; 3) the SAML session info record was not deleted for both SP and IDP initiated logouts.

SR-C84361 · Issue 437599

Added handling for better recovery and reset when using 'When' conditional row deletion

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

Given a 'When' condition configured so that a specific row could be deleted, trying to delete another row resulted in the expected error indicating it was not possible to delete that particular row. However, attempting to then delete the row with the 'When' condition caused the same failure error to appear which could not be cleared through clicking on the Refresh button for the section. In order to resolve this, handling has been added for a scenario where Obj-Delete fails and the record is marked for deferred commit. In this situation, the system will revert Obj-Delete by way of Obj-Save-Cancel in @baseclass.pzDeleteRecord so that a subsequent Obj-Delete does not pick up the previous record and fail again.

SR-B17403 · Issue 297717

Resolved concurrent mod exceptions when using getValueInType API

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

Concurrent modification exceptions were observed in the logs when the getValueInType API was called to fetch property values from multiple threads. To resolve this, the getValueInType API has been made thread safe by synchronizing its access.

SR-C93726 · Issue 435285

Work status icons work correctly when using localization

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

The pyWorkAssignmentStatus control was not displaying the status flags/icons for localized work status values due to a match failure caused by the system using the localized text for the pyAssignmentStatus to perform a string comparison against the hard-coded English values. To correct this, the control pyWorkAssignmentStatus has been modified to run the comparisons with the new string "assignmentStatus" instead of with the localized text.

SR-B32618 · Issue 276417

Enhancement added to maintain blank properties when using History Snapshots

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

In HistorySaver, using ClipboardProperty.setValue to save snapshot data for the previous version of the rule had the side effect of stripping blank properties from the clipboard page, and so any rules that rely on these properties would not be restored correctly. To resolve this, an enhancement has been added to specially handle instances History- class and its descendants to serialize blob with EmptyProperties.

SR-B32618 · Issue 276417

Enhancement added to maintain blank properties when using History Snapshots

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

In HistorySaver, using ClipboardProperty.setValue to save snapshot data for the previous version of the rule had the side effect of stripping blank properties from the clipboard page, and so any rules that rely on these properties would not be restored correctly. To resolve this, an enhancement has been added to specially handle instances History- class and its descendants to serialize blob with EmptyProperties.

SR-C89541 · Issue 430728

Case Manager email correspondence opens when encryption and obfuscation are used

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

If the urlEncryption (true) and submitURLObfuscation(required) settings were enabled, it was not possible to open correspondence emails sent in Case Manager portal. No issue was seen when submitURLObfuscation was set to "optional" (which allows the server to accept URLS with either clear-text or obfuscated strings). Investigation showed the obfuscated values for pyActivity were not part of the HTTP request generated when the Data-Corr-Email attachment is clicked, leading to the system blocking the pop-up window request. Because bEncryptURLs, which is being set in the fragment DesktopWrapper_Variables, is not available in the harness context, the SafeURL method toURL therefore was not encrypting the URL. This has been resolved by setting both bEncryptURLs and pega.ctx.bEncryptURLs to true in the HTML fragment.

SR-D16327 · Issue 487448

Updated logic for Bulk Upload count when background processing is used

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

When multiple items were queued as part of "Bulk Upload" and the "Transfer To" operation was used with "BULK PROCESS in BACKGROUND", discrepancies were seen in the email received. For example, if two items were selected for transfer, email notifications stated that 1 item was selected and 1 item was processed instead of 2. This was traced to using 'process in background': when selected during bulk processing, the first record is processed in the foreground and remaining records are processed in the background. When the system sent the email notification once the background process was done, the total records computation was not considering the foreground-processed record, and the count was off. The timing logic has been updated to account for the foreground record to resolve this.

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