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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

SR-D19081 · Issue 490369

Logic updated to handle Report Definition with a join

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

When using a multi-select element on the UI with a report definition as a data source where the report used a join to another class where it was referenced by a prefix, setting that data source property as resulted in the multi-select no longer showing any results when tested on the UI although the report definition returned results when run manually. This was traced to platform differences revealed by an upgrade, and the idGenerator function has been updated to handle a report definition with a join to resolve this.

INC-142084 · Issue 599877

Support added for expression in strategy scorecards

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When invoking REST against a dataflow that had a strategy containing a scorecard that used an expression and the "Include model explanations option" was enabled in the Strategy configuration, the system failed with the error "PropertyValueInvalid .pxMaxScore Cannot cast the value (unknown) to double". This was traced to the Scorecard explanations failing during serialization when an expression was used, and has been corrected.

INC-179478 · Issue 662927

Handling updated for progressive load on scroll in repeating dynamic layers

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

When using progressive load on scroll on a repeating dynamic layout with a bar graph control, the bar which was loaded earlier was being removed during scrolling and only the current page's bar graph was displayed. This was traced to the page load and refresh handling in repeating dynamic layers, and has been resolved by modifying the logic to use a partial-refresh when appropriate.

INC-146174 · Issue 602868

Chevron vs Back button in screen flow made consistent

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When using the TabbedScreenFLow7 harness with the "Enable navigation Link" and "Only allow navigating back to step" settings for the flow along with client-side validations, the validations were ignored when using the back button but using the chevron displayed a validation error. Investigation showed that the case action area buttons and bread crumb navigation were out of sync during the back button operation. This has been resolved by updating the ProcessStep function in BreadCrumbTrial library to pass skipValidations while calling gotoprevioustask.

INC-182375 · Issue 664344

Report filter description correctly displayed

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

When a function alias was used in the filter of a report definition without the caption and with some value assigned, the FilterName was not getting displayed when the report was run. This has been resolved by updating RRFilters_Logic.

SR-D28293 · Issue 498234

Pega Survey answer values support special characters

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

When using a Complex radio control (RadioButtonComplexQuestionSurvey), a selected option that used answer values containing special characters was cleared on refresh. This was traced to a mismatch between strAnswer and strValue in the control logic, and has been corrected.

SR-D16624 · Issue 490927

Table layout filter popover position corrected for Pega mashup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

When using an exposed harness with table layout using Pega web mash up, the mash up worked but the apply and cancel buttons were not visible when any column was clicked to filter the result. This was traced to the filter popup having a hardcoded position offset set in its div element, and has been resolved by delegating the responsibility of the filter popover height calculation to the popover.

INC-215046 · Issue 714673

Deleting case in create stage returns user to home/Dashboard

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When using a multi-step form in Create Stage, performing a Cancel + Save&Close, then re-opening the case and using a Cancel + Delete, the result of the cancelation is not shown and the user is not returned to the Home/Dashboard screen. This was caused by an issue where the specific AJAX container was not closed, and has been resolved by modifying the pyCaseActionAreaButtons to execute the pyCloseCase local action when clicked to close the case.

SR-D21618 · Issue 492937

Stories Word doc includes uploaded images

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.3

When trying to generate a Word document for the user stories by going to the Options menu and using the 'Document' option, there were images within the user story description that were not rendered in the Word document. Investigation showed that images would show up in the Word document if the images were dragged and dropped or copied and pasted into the description field instead of using the image uploader button. This was because the image was stored in a separate folder when the upload button was used and only a link to the attachment location was added to the description vs using copy/paste or drag and drop directly stored the attachment content in the description. An enhancement has been added to handle the upload use case so the images will appear in the Word document.

INC-170918 · Issue 653216

DateTime property handling revised for future date with daylight savings time

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

A DateTime property was changing each time the local action refreshed. Investigation showed this was a missed use case related to recent work to correct an issue with a 1 day discrepancy for non-template DateTime. The previous update to use the default time zone when generating markup in non-template for the date property while the datetime property uses the server time zone has been further refined to handle formatting the date time when the year is greater than 2037 and combined with daylight savings time. This will be resolved by setting the correct date before returning the moment object if the year is greater than 2037 for the date time control using display mode as date.

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