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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-154605 · Issue 615661

Date field correctly extracted for IMAP inbound email

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

After upgrade, email-sourced cases were not being created correctly. Tracer showed the date field was blank, causing an error which was traced to the getReceivedDate being returned as null for the JavaMail AP even though the IMAP protocol was being used. This was an unintended side effect of work done to handle a throttling exception in the IMAP inbound email flow, and has been resolved by updating the system so that if the getReceivedDate is null, the date will be extracted from the mail header while processing dates in EmailMessageInfo class.

SR-D74848 · Issue 536998

Updated key handling for ProcessJWT

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

After configuring an authentication service which used the ProcessJWT activity to validate the token received, the error "Unable to process the Json Web Token " was seen. Analysis showed the error was caused by a duplicate Key Id in JWK Endpoint Response: the system removed keys after processing, and in the case of duplicate keys the system was throwing null pointer exception because the key had already been removed. To resolve this, the system has been updated to not remove the keys from the map as part of this process.

INC-155822 · Issue 618268

Locking added to avoid Null pointer exception for auto-populate property

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

After configuring the auto populate property "OrgProduct" which referred to a data page, the system experiencing heavy load led to the property not getting properly initialized. This resulted in a WrongModeException and NullPointerException. To resolve this, the system has been updated to lock the requestor when Queue Processors execute their activity. This will prevent race conditions and concurrent modifications if other threads are accessing the same requestor.

INC-227812 · Issue 733965

Service SOAP outflow response supports RSA_SHA256 & RSA_SHA384

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When service SOAP was configured in Pega WS-Security Profile with with outflow as signature and the signature method selected as RSA_SHA256, the response from service SOAP was still RSA_SHA_1 and the digest method was SHA_256. This has been resolved by updating WS-Security Profile to support RSA_SHA256 & RSA_SHA384 in service SOAP outflow response.

INC-213717 · Issue 724533

Flag added to allow disabling copy/paste style formatting

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Copy/pasting text from Outlook or another external application caused formatting issues in the Rich Text Editor. To address this, the flag "window.disablePasteFromWord" has been introduced which allows turning off the feature of retaining formats when copying from Word or Outlook. This flag can be set to 'true' in UserWorkForm to disable this default feature.

SR-A19119 · Issue 241157

Improved error handling for XML-executed BIX extract failures

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When BIX extracts configured through an XML script encountered a target table that did not exist, the script itself did not visibly fail even though the error "Table doesn't exist in target database" was logged, and any extracts that were executed after that error did not generate any output. This has been corrected to set the correct error flags to ensure expected behavior.

SR-A52484 · Issue 251721

BIX Extract retains pre-upgrade filenames and columns

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

After upgrade, extract rules were created with underscores replacing dashes in the original filenames and ExtractIndentifier and ExtractDateTime columns were added to the output csv file. This was an inadvertent change related to enhancements made to filename conventions, and has been corrected with the prconfig "bix/retainOriginalFileNameForCSV" to retain the filename as provided in the extract rule and the prconfig "bix/ignoreAdditionalColumnsInCSV" to not add the new additional columns pxExtractIdentifier and pxExtractDateTime when upgrading rulesets.

SR-A22331 · Issue 252650

Blocked EditList rules ignored in listview

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When attempting to open the Data table list from the Designer studio through DesignerStudio > Data Mode > Data Tables > Data Tables, an exception was generated if the EditList rule was blocked. This was traced to the activity for displaying EditList rules opening the ruleform regardless of the availability of the rule, and has been resolved by adding a check that will filter blocked or withdrawn rules from being processed for the listview.

SR-A101936 · Issue 269109

DSM clipboard updated to resolve memory leak

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

There was an issue in DSM Clipboard Page implementation that could cause a memory leak in certain conditions where the clipboard page would unnecessarily keep doubling its inner array (where the properties are stored) every time the replace method was called. The DSM Clipboard Page implementation of the replace method has been modified to not double the inner array when there is no need to do so.

SR-A14735 · Issue 257217

Corrected jmxConnector thread termination

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

In an installation with several PRPC JBOSS EAP-based nodes, the node running 'prsysmgmt' ('SMA') was periodically running out of Java Threads. This was due to JMX port connect threads being created for node authentication when SMA is deployed but then not correctly terminating on logoff or timeout (30 minutes). To correct this, logoff, timeout, deletion, or disconnect will now trigger the proper closing of any jmxConnnectors for that node.

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