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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-150222 · Issue 612577

Custom client-side future date validation works on mobile

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

After developing a custom client side validation based on documented examples that used jquery to locate two input fields (date pickers) and added an on-change function, the validation worked as expected on the desktop but gave a validation error for any future date when using the mobile app or browser. This was an issue with the name attribute handling on mobile, and has been resolved.

SR-A99155 · Issue 265977

Mobile dirty page handling corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When the "X" (Close) icon was clicked in the Mobile Create Opportunity/Lead/Contact form and then the cancel button in the prompt popup was clicked, the same page returned and the app went into infinite loading mode. This was caused by a missed use case; when the document is found to be dirty and user decides to stay on the page, the code just returned. This has been fixed.

SR-A99155 · Issue 253246

Mobile dirty page handling corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When the "X" (Close) icon was clicked in the Mobile Create Opportunity/Lead/Contact form and then the cancel button in the prompt popup was clicked, the same page returned and the app went into infinite loading mode. This was caused by a missed use case; when the document is found to be dirty and user decides to stay on the page, the code just returned. This has been fixed.

SR-A92219 · Issue 259481

XSD file contains classes extracted with -c flag

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When executing a BIX extract to XML using the -c flag, the XML file contained outer tags but the corresponding XSD file did not. This has been corrected.

SR-A87728 · Issue 257771

Improved null namespace handling for WSDL import

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

The SOAP Connector (Wizard) functionality in the Pega product was implemented and tested with the assumption that the WSDL document provided for consumption would contain a target namespace. Though not technically required, the great majority of WSDL documents meet this description. However, when using an imported WSDL that has no namespaces, the pxParseWSDL activity was passing a reported null namespace to some Axis2 activities that were not capable of safely consuming Definitions with null namespaces. This resulted in a "StringIndexOutOfBounds" error. To create more stability with the additional activities, WSDLParser has been updated to use QName objects themselves whenever possible and set the target namespace for the Definition to "" when it detects that it is null.

INC-155319 · Issue 616476

Action Set Dialog features displayed correctly in App Studio Design with Firefox

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

When using the App Studio Design mode to edit controls and elements within section at runtime (Open Case Type in App Studio -> Save and run) and selecting a control in Design mode that has any action set configured on it, upon opening the action set clicking the �Add an action� link element the dialog box which appeared cut off. This was traced to an issue where Overlay was not flipped in Firefox v83.0 when the client.right value exceeded the main container width, and has been resolved by adding a condition for Firefox to use the correct client.right value as per the main container.

SR-A88385 · Issue 257722

Thumbnail images consistently displayed in overlay

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When thumbnails were configured with the control pzAttachmentThumbnail), the overlay showed the image differently based on the location of the thumbnail in the screen, for example one side displaying with a scroll bar while the other did not. The earlier design was purely based on non-autogenerated code using a PopOver API call, which couldn't honor the position of the overlay. To resolve this, the Attach Field configuration has been modified so that all the Thumbnail overlays are shown using Local Action and thumbnails will be shown using autogenerated pxIcon control.

SR-A76408 · Issue 252207

Additional options added to configure VPD data pages

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

It was previously only possible to configure 'customInfoDataPage' for VPDs through prconfig. This enhancement allows an application developer using Oracle and Enterprise DB to use D-A-S-S or JNDI to pass a customizable set of property values to the DB when a connection is established to the DB so that a SQL statement can be run. The primary use case for this feature is the ability to implement unbreakable object-level security for all data access from a Pega application by defining Virtual Private Databases (VPDs) on class tables that reference this information, for Pega DBMS that support VPDs.

SR-B1043 · Issue 270870

Resolved RTE with Microsoft Internet Explorer textarea update

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

If spellcheck was invoked on an RTE text area when using Microsoft Internet Explorer , the next time text was entered and saved the new text was not preserved in the text area. This has been resolved with an added null check.

SR-B426 · Issue 271503

Error label highlighting corrected for inside grid

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

The correct label associated with the UI element in which the client side error was thrown was not highlighted when inside a grid. To fix this, the function findLabelFor has been updated to handle the case specific to the grid, as the error elements ID and the label's 'for' attribute were never equal due to the 'for' attribute changing value when used on repeating elements within a grid.

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