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Resolved Issues

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NOTE: Enter just the Case ID number (SR or INC) in order to find the associated Support Request.

Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

SR-A100503 · Issue 268474

Harness name field in flow accepts expression

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

After upgrade, a harness issue was encountered where the generated flow was treating the pxFormName as String literal instead of Expression. This caused an error when trying to save a flow. To correct this, FlowFUA PopulateFlowActions function code used for Expression parsing in the harness has been updated.

SR-A92403 · Issue 264239

CustomApp login fixed for Sales Automation Portal

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When logging in for the first time using a custom app via the Sales Automation Portal, the progress bar would flow to the end but the portal would not open and errors were logged on the console. This was traced to a logic error in the HCLoadManager getOfflineStorageCount API call, and has been fixed.

INC-200030 · Issue 719228

Handling added for external Kafka authorization exception

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

When using external Kafka for stream service, the dataflow was failing with the error 'QueueProcessorDataSubscriberException' when topic create permission was missing. As a workaround, the topics could be pre-created, though a "Topic already exists" warning was generated. To resolve this, the cluster-wide right that a producer needs, IdempotentWrite, has been added. For more information please refer to the link

SR-A83178 · Issue 254824

Resolved Null Pointer Error in edited complex data transform

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

While editing a data transform, using a "For Each Page" step with a "When" child step and a "Set" grandchild step along with checking "Also use each page as source context" on the "For Each Page" step, the expression builder for the set "Set" did not launch when initially clicked. Clicking to another tab in the Designer Studio and then back to the data transform allowed the expression builder to launch, but once launched it did not have the source value populated. Submitting, closing, or canceling the modal (regardless of whether or not changes were made) resulted in a popup indicating a Null Pointer Error. This was caused by a java script Null Pointer Error in the OpenRuleAdvanced_OverLabel control which led to the sourceElement value being reported as null in the mentioned scenario. This has been fixed.

SR-A77177 · Issue 258649

Attachment gadget updated for Firefox

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When the Attachment gadget pops up using Firefox, it was not being correctly read with JAWS. This was an issue with the enter key press triggering a click event which did not have the expected code for Firefox. Changes have been made so the browser will consider the event object correctly.

SR-A87150 · Issue 256602

Dynamic setting added to override ADM JMS default

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

ADM (a part of Pega DSM) was detecting JMS and switching over to JMS when available and using HttpInvoker in other cases. In order to allow customization, it is now possible to override the ADM JMS configuration and allow EAR deployments by way of a dynamic system setting to disable JMS at will.

SR-A80606 · Issue 254964

Data Import API updated to be case-sensitive

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When using a Data Import Shape for a Class Type which had a same named property identifier (but with a different case) as in the SR hierarchy, both the properties were considered valid and imported as SR properties. This caused issues in the strategy rule as the Set property components set the values for the incorrect instance and eventually led to strategy failures as the expected instance did not have a value set. This has been resolved by using a case-sensitive API to validate the source property against the target class.

SR-A93522 · Issue 262384

Validation highlights correct field with duplicated sections

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

For business purposes, the same section was included twice in the UI to allow the left part to be used as read-only to see the old data while the right part was editable to modify existing data. When validation triggered an error to be displayed (required attribute set to Always) the message correctly appeared under the impacted control, but the RO label was shown in RED because the same labels were used for the read-only and editable components. This has been corrected to ensure that the correct labels get highlighted after the validation.

SR-A93522 · Issue 262361

Validation highlights correct field with duplicated sections

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

For business purposes, the same section was included twice in the UI to allow the left part to be used as read-only to see the old data while the right part was editable to modify existing data. When validation triggered an error to be displayed (required attribute set to Always) the message correctly appeared under the impacted control, but the RO label was shown in RED because the same labels were used for the read-only and editable components. This has been corrected to ensure that the correct labels get highlighted after the validation.

SR-A87606 · Issue 257332

VDB start waits for Cassandra node with keyspace data

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

An issue was found with restarting a DNode if there were no copies of the VBD keyspace data on the available nodes in the Cassandra cluster when VBD started up. VBD uses replica factor 3 on its keyspace, meaning there will be at most 3 nodes in the cluster with full copies of the VBD data. If when restarting the cluster only Cassandra nodes that happen to not have VBD's data were brought up, starting up VBD would hang trying to read partition summary data. As a solution, If VBD is started and its Cassandra data is not yet available, the process to load partition summary data will wait until the next time there is VBD activity. Once the Cassandra node comes up with VBD's data, it will be loaded and VBD functionality will be enabled. Additionally, an intermittent deadlock was discovered when starting 2 VBD nodes in parallel. The deadlock appeared when VBD was initializing its persistence at the same time another thread checked to see if persistence was initialized (triggered by remote request from second node). The first thread owned a Hazelcast distributed lock and attempted to use a Supplier to get an instance of an object. The second thread was already calling the Supplier and was waiting for the Hazelcast distributed lock. This deadlock has been fixed.

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