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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

SR-121105 · Issue 180175

Corrected text wrapping for attached notes

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When using out-of-the-box functionality for attaching a note, the text was not wrapped and showed in one long line. The root cause of this problem was the "pre" tag in the HTML not breaking the lines and not wrapping, and styles have been added to fix the attachment issue.

SR-127017 · Issue 189834

Resolved window resizability for harness launched in a pop up

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Using pxButton to launch a harness in a pop up window generated a window with the maximize button disabled and no way to resize. This was caused by the resizable argument not being passed to the popup window when launching the harness, and the GenerateControlAction has been modified to pass this to the popup window.

SR-128095 · Issue 196390

Resolved modal window resize issue

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When using a grid which launched a modal dialog, selecting a value from a drop down or entering values in a text fields caused the modal dialog height to be increased with each interaction. This was due to an Improper height calculation in the JavaScript, and has been corrected.

INC-119669 · Issue 562589

Special character handling added to filters for table sourced with parameterized Report Definition

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2

Filters were not working on a table when sourced with a report definition which accepted a parameter value containing special characters (Eg: S&P). This has been resolved by using StringUtils.reversibleCrossScriptingFilter in the pzGetGridColUniqueValues activity to allow filters to contain special characters.

SR-D95638 · Issue 556967

Added handling for mobile SharePoint attachments

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2

When an application was using SharePoint to store the attachments, adding an attachment in an offline-enabled mobile app and then synching resulted in the mobile app crashing if the user re-logged in and launched the same work object. This was due to the attachment handling. Attachments are downloaded during synchronization and they are base64 encoded: when a mobile phone processes the synchronization response, it decodes the base64 encoded attachment and saves the data in internal storage. In this scenario, attachments retrieved from SharePoint (REST Service) use a base64 conditional encoding that is different than in case Repositories or Pega Database storage. To resolve this, a check has been added to determine whether the base64 text contains newline characters, and if so the text is merged into one line.

SR-D88500 · Issue 562657

Eligibility prompt integer values sorted by incremental size

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2

In an Offer rule on the Eligibility tab of the Eligibility Builder, an eligibility row using {integer property} comparator {value} had the list of prompt values sorted alphabetically for integer values rather than incremental size when using Select value -> Existing Values. This has been corrected by revising the logic in addValuesToOutputPage to call Report.sort with different sorting algorithm for numeric values. Logic was also updated to call Report.sort for prompt lists.

SR-118269 · Issue 174402

Eform wizard upload error resolved

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When attempting to upload a file using the EForm wizard, an error was generated stating "The Flow Action post-processing activity PopulateFileRule failed" and the file did not upload. The root cause of this ruleset problem was that the necessary class was not present in the JAR, and has been resolved.

SR-132002 · Issue 201652

Resolved date format changing with Microsoft Internet Explorer refresh

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When using the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser, the date format DD-MMM-YYYY was losing its format after refreshing or applying a validation rule or Data Constrain rule. The GenerateDatePicker logic has been updated for Microsoft Internet Explorer to correct this.

SR-122591 · Issue 183772

Addressed migrate.bat file datetime format issue

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

The script 'migrate.bat' sets up a logfile name based on the current time/date. However, the script was only working when using United States/English as the locale where the format of the '%date%' variable was MM/DD/YYYY, and failed with an obscure error in locales using the DD/MM/YYYY format. There was a local change of hardcoding the 'TIMESTAMP' variable, but this has been resolved by adding the use of a local insensitive datetime from the WMIC utility on Windows systems for the install.bat, upgrade.bat, resume.bat and migrate.bat scripts. The WMIC utility (Windows Management Interface Cmdline) is supported in XP and beyond.

SR-127803 · Issue 192265

Error information enhanced for Connector wizard working with external Teradata DB

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When using Teradata as an external DB, an exception was generated while using the SQL connector wizard and no rules were generated. This was caused by passing a date column that was not supported. The error has been addressed to make it more informative, but at this time the classes and properties for the fields and the mapping of the classes to the associated tables must be done manually. If the decision is made to use Date/Time properties that are mapped to Date fields, there may be time zone conversion issues. Further, mapping a Date property to the DATE column will allow the field to come across from a report definition but will not work as part of the filter (e.g. EFFT_DATE > "2014-12-01").

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