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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

INC-121474 · Issue 561064

Handling added for SAP WSDL with names containing unexpected characters

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2

When running the Create SAP Integration Wizard and importing SAP WSDL, import failed with the error "The Flow Action post-processing activity pxGenerateRules failed: The reference ORDERS.ORDERS05._-GLB_-OGTORDERS05_04 is not valid. Reason: unexpected character". This was due to the operation name containing the "-" character, and handling has now been added to normalize operation names to match Pega standards.

SR-121115 · Issue 183812

Added optional setting for handling blank localization settings

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Previously, a blank localization value was carried forward as a blank value. This behavior was changed in Pega7 to have the localization API Executable#getLocalizedText return the Label itself. In order to maximize usability going forward, an API has been added that allows either behavior based on local settings. This is accessible as getLocalizedTextForString (String aRef, String aString,boolean aReturnEmptyForLocalisedString) To use the API to carry the empty value, pass "true" to aReturnEmptyForLocalisedString parameter. The API will then return the localized string in the field value as-is i.e it will return an empty string if the localized string is empty.

SR-121115 · Issue 182793

Added optional setting for handling blank localization settings

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

Previously, a blank localization value was carried forward as a blank value. This behavior was changed in Pega7 to have the localization API Executable#getLocalizedText return the Label itself. In order to maximize usability going forward, an API has been added that allows either behavior based on local settings. This is accessible as getLocalizedTextForString (String aRef, String aString,boolean aReturnEmptyForLocalisedString) To use the API to carry the empty value, pass "true" to aReturnEmptyForLocalisedString parameter. The API will then return the localized string in the field value as-is i.e it will return an empty string if the localized string is empty.

SR-123750 · Issue 189489

Smoothed multiple portal tabs handling

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

After opening the Case Manager developer portal, if a user portal was opened in a second tab using the 'Switch Portal' option shown in operator menu, returning to the developer portal tab caused that tab to be refreshed and the user portal tab to close. Previously, attempting to open a second portal session in a tab of the same window resulted in a 'Multiple sessions running' error. This limitation was removed in Pega 7.x. However, in this case the 'ShowDesktop' activity could not determine the 'ThreadName' parameter and defaulted to the 'Standard' thread and this change caused the refresh. The logic for determining the thread name has been updated to remove this issue.

SR-123127 · Issue 185219

Improve error handling for File Listener

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

The File Listener not processing all files successfully when there was more than one file to be processed. This was caused by missing logic for the clearing of 'hasOnce' at the file level for the record type. Since 'hasonce' was not cleared at file level, once a file with an incorrect configuration is processed, others files were also getting processed as errors. This has been resolved by adding code to reset the 'hasonce' on a per file basis so File Listener is able to process multiple files.

INC-142248 · Issue 601766

Added safe check for ActivateTabs

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.5

After configuring a data transform action for a close icon to set a requestor level data page value and a parent-level dynamic layout was configured with a refresh when condition to track this Data page property, pzMicrodynamicContainer was throwing a null pointer exception after this refresh occurred indicating the tag name passed to isRegularTarget function was invalid. This has been resolved by adding a safe check to ensure that activateTabs is called only for tab based Ajax containers.

SR-D93181 · Issue 555469

Pega Org Structure Tools added

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2

An enhancement has been made available on Pega Marketplace to simplify working with large organizational structures with additional support for having more than 3,333 organizations. This allows choosing an Org, Div and Unit in the Operator ID and Application ruleforms using auto-completes rather than a tree, and can now handle up to 10,000 Organizations, 10,000 Divisions per organization, and 10,000 Units per Division. Installations exceeding those numbers will still be able to enter the name without validation problems, and a link to the Organization Chart landing page will be available for browsing that data in a tree.

SR-119103 · Issue 178373

Missing hyphen auto-added to base class by import wizard

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When running the Connector & Metadata wizard to import the XSD file, entering the base class name without a dash created classes and properties all concatenated with the class name. However entering a dash at the end of the base class name created properties separated with the dash from the class names. This was an error in the wizard - it is no longer mandatory to end the abstract class with a dash, and the code has been updated to correctly append the hyphen at the end of baseclass if one doesn't exist.

SR-120195 · Issue 180041

Smoothed adding rows to a repeat grid after canceling previous action

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

When adding an item to the Repeat Grid, a small modal is opened to allow value entry to associate with that row. However, canceling the modal and then clicking on the button to add a row failed to open the modal a second time and it was not possible to add another row to the Repeat Grid. This was caused by the previous canceled modal call remaining active resulting in the new event being skipped. To correct this, the modal dialog incall property will be reset so it may be properly opened as expected following a previous cancelation.

SR-121758 · Issue 178251

Logic added to resolve conflicting Currency display values

Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8

The read-only display format of the out-of-the-box Control 'Currency' was not working as expected due to a precedence conflict between the 'Property Qualifier' configured at the property level and the out-of-the-box 'Currency' control configured on the property in a section. For example, the Inquiry amount value in case details section under Overview tab was displayed as 100.00/$ when it should be displayed as 100.00/USD. To resolve this, logic has been added to check the ruleset qualifier settings.

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