SR-C83899 · Issue 421067
Alternate RD added for sub class union that will skip blob open
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
The screen load was taking 4 seconds or more to load when a parent case had 500+ child cases, leading to timeouts and issues with case processing. This was caused by the system performing a database open of all the child work items for building the tree: because different child items are mapped to different work tables, a single RD would not suffice for fetching all child items. This meant a work record was opened and child inskeys grouped into different groups based on table mappings, then the RD was called multiple times to fetch the details. To resolve this and avoid blob open, a report definition that performs a union on all sub classes has now been put in place. Execution is based on a parameter to avoid any backward compatibility issues. This is used by overriding the 'pyPopulateCaseContentsWrapperExtension' data transform and setting param.useOptimizedQuery to 'true' to override the database open.
SR-C83915 · Issue 421167
Enhancement added to support property reference name for section include
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
When requesting the view of a section from a repeating dynamic layout where the name of the section is taken from a property, the DX API returned an error on the tracer indicating "Invalid value for aReference passed to". This has been resolved by adding an enhancement to support using a property reference for section include.
SR-C82244 · Issue 421172
Enhancement made to allow passing of URL in actionset via the DX API
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
When using the action "Open URL in Window" and the option "Use Alternate Domain" to pass a URL that is in saved in a property, the name of the property was passed when using the DX API instead of the URL. To allow this use, an enhancement has been added to support storing a last submitted value and a reference so that an action set with a property reference can return a reference object with lastSavedValue and the reference name attached.
SR-C83808 · Issue 421297
FIRST aggregate in bucketed window fixed
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
FIRST aggregates were not giving the correct results if used in a Sliding Time window together with an average aggregate. This was traced to an incorrect implementation of FirstAggregatorHolder.substractAggregate which used propertyIndex to get aggregate value (which was not correct in this context), and has been fixed by using the correct index in FirstAggregatorHolder class.
SR-C81855 · Issue 421402
Check added to format simplified Chinese date generation to match system expectations
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
"When the browser language was set to Chinese (simplified) and a template was used for an application, an invalid date exception was generated. This was caused by a difference in handling between the moment.js function used to format the datetime, and Pega. The moment javascript formats dates with the below 6 meridiem for Chinese locales (zh-cn, zh-hk, zh-tw):凌晨 - Early morning 早上 - morning 上午 - morning (AM) 中午 - noon 下午 - in the afternoon (PM) 晚上 - at night But the Pega server only accepts two standard meridiem i.e. 上午 - morning (AM) and 下午 - in the afternoon (PM). Due to this, using an unsupported setting resulted in an error. To resolve this, a check has been added for the Chinese locales (zh-cn, zh-hk, zh-tw) that will adjust the non-supported formats to be either 上午 - morning (AM) or 下午 - in the afternoon (PM). Additional support has also been added to handle this function for iPad.
SR-C80129 · Issue 421415
Data type search adjusted to handle text query
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
After creating a data type and adding a class join and then delegating the data type to a user, the data type search bar in the configuration tab was not working. This was traced to the decision search filter using "=", which did not handle a text query. This has now been changed to use "Contains" to resolve this issue.
SR-C82480 · Issue 421486
Column Headers properly aligned after expand/collapse of Tree Grids
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
When using a hierarchical table - tree grid with a configuration that included Width of content-Pixels(Fit Content), a Fixed (pixel) size grid, and Freeze Header, expanding and collapsing back the contents resulted in a misalignment of the column headers. The fixed header implementation makes use of multiple table layouts which have to kept in sync via javascript; this issue has been resolved by rewriting the fixed header implementation to call setHeadersWidth on expand/collapse of a treegrid row.
SR-D28905 · Issue 421583
Compensation added for Cassandra v2.2 not honoring count limits
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
Running CassandraEstimateNumberOfRecordsOperation on a large data set was causing a ReadTimeoutException. Investigation showed that contrary to its documentation, Cassandra v2.2 ignores limits intended to stop all records from being counted. In order to compensate for this, the system has been modified to skip the first of two attempts to estimate the number of records (first cql count() query with limit 1000) and the estimated number of records will only be retrieved through JMX.
SR-C67397 · Issue 421637
Added check for missing rule data when using abstract class in CSS
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
Including CSS optimization with abstract class in the Advanced tab of the 'Add Optimization' Screen resulted in a Null pointer exception error. This has been resolved by adding a check for missing data from a rule to make the system more resilient in its handling of a corrupt flow-action clipboard page.
SR-C80948 · Issue 421764
ProfileLink control updated to resolve opening issue
Resolved in Pega Version 8.3
The profile was not opening when the Operator Profile link was clicked. This was traced to certain functions having been moved to javascript files that were not included by default in the ProfileLink control. To correct this, the control has been modified to include the needed javascript files and the appropriate references have been updated to match.