SR-D48246 · Issue 518690
TextAnalyzerClass will be populated during upgrade if not present
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
After upgrading, the email channels were failing to process the emails and the error "Unable to load data page D_pyEntityClassMapping. Required parameters : ClassName cannot be blank" was seen in the tracer log. Analysis showed the email channels were failing to process the emails due to the pzUpgradeVersion property in Data-Channel-Email instances being inconsistent post-upgrade. To resolve this, the system has been updated so if the TextAnalyzerClass or name property is not present in old email channels (created in 7.4), it will populate that property in the upgrade activity with the default classname.
SR-D49782 · Issue 518049
Extension point added for ClearInteraction to support custom interactions
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
In order to support clearing a custom interaction page after clicking the "Reset" button on preview console, an extension point has been added to pyClearInteraction.
SR-D25184 · Issue 494692
Support added for referencing Page Group property inside of strategy
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
Referencing a page property under Page Group property inside a strategy resulted in a runtime error of ClassCasting: "java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to com.pega.decision.strategy.ssa.runtime.ClipboardPage". The issue was traced to the SSA optimized code for the GetPage SSA assuming that the GetPage SSA would only have another page as a parent. In order to handle the above scenario where GetPage would have a GetPageCollection as a parent and return a List of ClipboardPages, a GetPage function has been applied over each entry in the results of the GetPageCollection SSA using a MapAction SSA. Some optimizations will be applied in cases where the GetPageCollection has only one entry, which will replace the MapAction with a simple GetPage action.
SR-D41730 · Issue 508144
TTL value correctly passed for Adaptive Event store
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
The ADM table was growing due to the Time to Live (TTL) for entries in the Adaptive Event Store not being propagated to clean them out. This was traced to the TTL field on the data flow not being checked, causing the TTL value to be supplied as zero so there was no expiration. This has been corrected.
SR-D45646 · Issue 516176
Flexible decoding for mported files
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
When importing CSV files, special characters appeared as ??? instead of "éèù ...". This was traced to the system using UTF-8 as default format to support all character sets including multi-byte (accented) characters while Excel uses ANSI encoding, creating an encoding incompatibility. To resolve this, an update has been made so the system will read the encoding from the source/property and pass it to InputStreamReader instead of always hard coding UTF-8.
SR-D47685 · Issue 514647
Cookie logging restored
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
As part of security updates, Cookies were restricted from being logged. However, this caused some business use cases such as a custom function call to obtain the list of cookies that are present in the application to stop working. To resolve this, the cookie logging restriction has been reverted.
SR-D48010 · Issue 514983
Unit testing validation relaxed for external input strategy
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
When trying to test a strategy, the testing transform had to exist in the same ruleset/version as the strategy or it would not resolve. Investigation showed that because the artifacts were in a different ruleset and version build on top of the application that the testing strategy belongs to, validation failed because it was using the platform based ruleset validation. This was a missed use case, and has been resolved by relaxing the validation for external input strategy so it does not take into account the ruleset and version of it. This same change has been applied for referenced data transforms.
SR-D51353 · Issue 516914
Unit testing validation relaxed for external input strategy
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
When trying to test a strategy, the testing transform had to exist in the same ruleset/version as the strategy or it would not resolve. Investigation showed that because the artifacts were in a different ruleset and version build on top of the application that the testing strategy belongs to, validation failed because it was using the platform based ruleset validation. This was a missed use case, and has been resolved by relaxing the validation for external input strategy so it does not take into account the ruleset and version of it. This same change has been applied for referenced data transforms.
SR-D57444 · Issue 519167
Scripts provided to remove unneeded TenantID for Cloud upgrade
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
Cloud upgrade from 8.3 to 8.3.1 was failing in a multi-tenant environment during creation of the Data-MigrationPoint instance. This was traced to pzTenantId not being included in the insert statement when the table included the pzTenantId column. As the column is unnecessary and was only included in the table for completeness, scripts have been provided to remove the pzTenantId column from the table for 8.3.0 and 8.3.1 MT deployments and remove pzTenantId from table in pegarules-master.xml to resolve this issue.
SR-D58702 · Issue 519242
Updated HotFix Manager for use in older versions
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4
The DL logic in Hotfix Manager was changed in 8.3 to include the catalog of all framework changes. This had the unintended side effect of preventing DLs from being installed in Pega 7.3.1 and lower versions as the versions included in the catalog are not present on those systems and the validation failed. This has been resolved by revising the DL update so the system will only add all apps to the catalog for platform 7.4+ DLs.