SR-D94409 · Issue 553304
Strategy Explain message includes Component ID
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2
The Component ID has been restored to the Explain mode message for strategy results.
SR-D96836 · Issue 555750
Refinements made to MarkerNode memory use
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2
Significant memory usage can be observed when data join in strategies are missing the join conditions. E.g., when the primary source in the strategy can have up to 300 or even more propositions, the join without the join condition would perform a cartesian product with possibly up to 400 or even more records returned. This may cause performance degradation. To guard against this, an update has been made that seeks to prevent repetitive markers being accumulated under a MarkerNode while trying not to rely on any implementation of equality and hashCode for individual marker implementations.
SR-D96847 · Issue 556988
Unneeded MBean startup warning removed
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2
After upgrade, Catalina logs indicated the error "WARN com.pega.dsm.dnode.api.prpc.service.monitoring.MBeanDSMService - Service DataFlow doesn't implement Monitoring operation". This was due to a flaw in the way the data flow DSM service was initialized in client mode. The exception itself was not a problem and did not impact functionality, but the client initialization has been modified to remove the warning.
INC-126556 · Issue 564032
Declaratives disabled during startup
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.2
Declaratives firing before the engine is fully up can lead to null pointer errors. In order to avoid this condition, declaratives will be disabled during startup so that unnecessary operations can be avoided and system can be started faster.
INC-150395 · Issue 625068
Tokenizer updated to handle commas
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5
The Text Analyzer was not working as expected in cases where the number was combined with a comma (,) with it but was working when a space was used between the number and the comma. This was traced to the tokenizer not correctly processing and splitting the input text when there was a special character before or after the token. This has been resolved by updating the tokenizer logic.
INC-150873 · Issue 612896
Performance improvement for saving ADM model rule
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5
Saving an ADM model rule generated a heap dump. The stack trace from the heap dump showed a thread consuming the maximum memory (4.7 GB of memory). Configurations on all factories are updated when a model rule is saved, but at the time of development it was not expected that there would be a lot of factories in a Dev environment so the system was loading all existing factories simultaneously into memory and updating configurations on them. To improve performance, an update has been made which will now sequentially load factories and update the configuration.
INC-156818 · Issue 628465
Materialization uses time limit boundary for query
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5
After turning on Materialization for pyIHSummary and OfferOutcomesForPast45Days datasets, an SQL query was taking an excessive amount of time and causing multiple alerts in the logs. Investigation traced the issue to database partitioning, specifically that running a query where the pyOutcomeTime range spanned multiple partitions was causing the indexes for all partitions in the range to be opened. To resolve this, the query has been updated with a DSS to support a partition size of min(pxOutcomeTime) to limit the time range to querying day by day, or hour by hour, or any other chronology unit specified. If there are no records for the current limit, then it will look at the next partition. This should prevent the query from needing to open more than 1 or 2 partitions.
INC-157357 · Issue 636711
Hazelcast remote execution not called from synchronized context
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5
After navigating to the Admin Studio portal to view the nodes, the portal was temporarily freezing. Investigation of the thread dump revealed this was caused by a DDS pulse sending a remote execution call to all nodes to update logger settings even though the site was not using DDS. This has been resolved by updating the system to avoid calling Hazelcast remote execution from a synchronized context.
INC-157629 · Issue 626632
Duplicate key exception resolved for adaptive model
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5
During the model snapshot update, a DuplicateKeyException was generated while trying to insert a record in to the predictor table. This did not affect the model's learning, but did appear ion the model monitoring report. This was traced to a local scenario of having the same outcome values defined on the model with different cases (Accept and accept). All predictors used in an Adaptive model are inserted into the model monitoring tables as a part of the monitoring job: because the monitoring tables are not case sensitive, this lead to a unique constraint exception since there were multiple IH predictors with the same name. To resolve this, validation has been added which will skip adding duplicates from new responses.
INC-158686 · Issue 628552
DSS added to create consistent handling of longform datetime
Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5
After upgrade, a difference in handling related to datetime value was seen. For example, EmailSchedRunEndDate is a date type property holding the value "20201016T000000.000 GMT"; in Pega v7.4, a substring function was used to move the extra characters from the date field ex. EmailSchedRunStartDate = @substring(.EmailSchedRunStartDate,0,8), but in Pega v8.4 and higher the long datetime value ( "20201016T000000.000 GMT") was still being used for the date field. This long value was then truncated to 2020101+ when saving to the database, causing errors in later steps. However, research found that if there is a call @toDate function before this step for any other field, the correct date value was set for EmailSchedRunStartDate. While ClipboardPages separate Dates and DateTimes, internally, in Java, both have a time component. The implementation of DSMClipboardPage made no difference for serialization and appended the time component for pure Date properties. To create consistent handling, an update has been made to optionally set the correct behavior after setting the Dynamic System Setting by way of "Pega-DecisionEngine dsm/clipboard/correctDateFormat -> true". This setting would only take effect after a restart of Pega, and the default is false in order to not disrupt any application inadvertently relying on this behavior.