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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-213808 · Issue 710298

Stability enhancement to improve platform reliability and resiliency

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

During a NBA campaign run, the data flow partition became stuck in the in-progress status and the campaign run did not complete. NoClassDefFoundException errors were logged, indicating a connectivity issue with the database after which the node was not able to recover successfully. This has been resolved by adding an enhancement to better handle situations where a database outage is detected.

INC-179727 · Issue 704545

Modified batch requestor handling to ensure cleanup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

A large buildup of batch requestors was seen, and restarting the node did not clear it. Investigation showed that in the case of one class reading a DSS value, a Pega requestor was being created when it was unable to retrieve any Pega context, and this requestor was not cleaned up afterwards. To resolve this, an update has been made to the way the requestor and Pega context is being created along with ensuring it will be cleaned up properly after use.

INC-180246 · Issue 664947

Support for apostrophe added to keyword tokenization

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

A keyword containing an apostrophe was not detected properly in Text extraction model. This has been resolved by updating the annotator used in the tokenization.

INC-192826 · Issue 685797

PMML updated for nested 'if'

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

Running a model on the openscoring API and the Pega PMML model gave different results. This has been resolved by updating the handling for nested 'if' in PMML.

INC-194382 · Issue 697615

ADM Model management page updates

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

When accessing the ADM model management landing page in an environment with a large number of nodes, an "UnresponsiveNodeException" error was thrown from the pylaststrategyresults activity by various nodes on different days. Investigation showed the ADM factory table was truncated, leading to inconsistent ADM data in the Last Responses Section. This has been resolved, and the ADM model management page has been made more resilient to node failures.

INC-196561 · Issue 688846

Natural Language Processing (NLP) topic categorization working consistently for German

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

A few German words were not recognized by the Natural Language Processing (NLP) topic categorization if they were given in capital letters. This was traced to upper case keywords being lowercased during model creation time, but not during prediction time. To resolve this, all words will be lower-cased before the model analyzes the text.

INC-206109 · Issue 706238

Delayed Learning works correctly with Volume Constraints

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

When running an outbound campaign using NBA Designers predictions and delayed learning in conjunction with volume constraints, the adaptive models ended up with incorrect feedback if the prediction had an Alternative label configured with a defined waiting window. This has been resolved with the addition of a new flag 'isVolumeConstraintEnabled' during dataflow creation which will check for volume constraint, and a filter in HandleResponses for that flag.

INC-207357 · Issue 703348

Decision Management book updated for additional NLP troubleshooting

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

Troubleshooting articles have been added to the Decision Management book which address the most common issues encountered when working with the NLP capability of Pega Platform, including topic and entity detection and email parser. These tips can assist with issues such as a node running out of memory due to having a large number of custom Ruta scripts that use REGEX pattern matching.

INC-208709 · Issue 710808

Added handling for new requestor in previously authenticated Voice AI group

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

When attempting to pilot the new Voice AI feature set provided recently in the Customer Service framework, the error "You lack access required to execute RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY WORK-CHANNEL-INTERACTION-VOICEAI TRANSCRIPTDISPATCHER" was logged. The same was seen for the ConnectToAudioProcessor activity. Investigation showed this could happen when a new requestor that's not authenticated yet gets created with currentAccessGroup already equal to the desired access group, causing the authentication step to be skipped. This has been resolved with an update to address the dataflow thread authentication edge case where the default requestor access group is equal to the dataflow run's access group.

INC-209294 · Issue 702711

Support added for variable queue processor partition count

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

An activity called "pxAlterStreamPartitionsInternal" that is defined on Data-Decision-Streamservice- class has been added to support scaling up and scaling down stream service partitions as needed. To allow dataflow runs to automatically detect these changes and redistribute partitions accordingly, a DSS has been added: Owning Ruleset: Pega-DecisionEngine , Purpose: dataflow/run/partitions/changeDetectionFrequency , Value: 120 (default value in seconds) The dynamic system setting may be changed to -1 to disable the automatic partition changes feature, but it is recommended to leave the value set to its configured default. The following articles contain information for executing the activity: Note: The "pxAlterStreamPartitionsInternal" activity is mentioned as "pxAlterStreamPartitions" in the above article, but the steps to execute the activity are the same.

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