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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-213945 · Issue 709365

Additional logging and executor work for Adaptive Decision Manager

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

The Adaptive Decision Manager Pulse operation stopped running on some of the ADM nodes, causing an impact on the model update. To address this, some additional protections have been added for pulse operations running in a scheduled executor, and ERROR logging has been enabled.

INC-216894 · Issue 712241

Refresh added to limit commit log partition size

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

Issues were seen on DDS nodes, including slowness and randomly dropping out and being replaced by new nodes. WARN messages in Cassandra logs reported issues relating to a large partition size of adm_response_commit_log_date_tiered table. Investigation showed the large partition size (over 10GB) was causing frequent C* query timeouts due to scanning a large number of tombstones, resulting in node terminations. This has been resolved with an update which will limit the commit log partition size by refreshing the NID every set interval.

INC-177312 · Issue 692111

Added handling for FieldValue issue during Excel export

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

After upgrade from Pega 7 to Pega 8, the export to Excel function for business-rules kept and maintained via Decision-Tables created a file that Excel could not open. This was traced to a function call in the Results tab and the Return Actions in the decision table which caused an issue with the generated Excel to be used for editing. To resolve this, any allowed values will have quotation marks removed before the vales are passed to the export.

INC-194330 · Issue 708710

Added special character handling for DecisionTable column-label

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

The label of a decision-table column was being appended to the original decision-table return-value. The column label and comparator were handled differently for columns containing special characters (+, -, *,...), causing the data after the special character to be trimmed and appended to the row output value. This has been resolved by adding handling for special characters so the output and the label are rendered properly.

INC-195790 · Issue 687810

Updated recording test scenario for attachments

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

Recording scenario tests for a case type was not working as expected when attaching a document to a case as part of case flow. This has been resolved as part of the updates made for Pega Test Automation Kit (PTAK) v1.6.

INC-195793 · Issue 697921

Enhanced ruleset validation for portal creation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

Attempting to create a new portal (web channel) from the app studio using the Creation Wizard with "Branch development preferences" enabled resulted in the error message "No valid rulesets in application preferences". Investigation showed this occurred due to CPM-Portal being specified in the application as the UI class: when attempting to create the portal, the system was evaluating the class against ruleset candidates. The class was not visible to the rulesets in the stack and thus the portal could not be created. This has been resolved by adding validation on UI pages, Int and Data classes in the application to ensure that they exist in user rulesets, and by adding an allowance for classes to exist only in branched rulesets and not the base ruleset during check if the ruleset is present in application stack.

INC-200416 · Issue 699863

Updated AttachmentPreview control for Account Manager Access Group

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

When using the Account Manager Access group as the default and only access group on a profile, attempting to render a PDF on the click of a link did not work as expected. The render-on-click worked as expected when logged in as the Author and the application was switched to Account Manager. This has been resolved by registering the activity pzAppStorageOkToAttachFile in the pzAttachmentPreview control.

INC-206782 · Issue 701142

BAC updated for delegated circumstanced decision table rule

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

An unregistered request error was encountered while launching the DelegatedRulesPage harness when pyBlockUnregisteredRequests >=1. This was traced to a delegated circumstanced decision table rule which caused a request error for the @baseclass.pzLookupCircumList activity, and has been resolved by updating the BAC handling for this activity.

INC-207210 · Issue 703701

Empty check added to OpenRuleAdvanced

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

A blank screen was displayed when attempting to open a requirement set rule in Dev Studio. This was a missed use case while updating the OpenRuleAdvanced control to handle BAC compatibility, and has been resolved by adding an empty check in addition to the existing null check along with an 'if' condition to check for pyActivity input.

INC-209426 · Issue 706802

GetFunctionsForLibrary retrieves 10,000 rows

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.4

Some functions were missing from the expression builder browser and search results when pyShowInternalLibrary was set to true for including internal functions in the results. To resolve this, the default value for "Maximum number of rows to retrieve" in pzGetFunctionsForLibrary has been increased to 10,000.

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