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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-B64936 · Issue 315666

Non auto-gen SubScriptPromptInput buttons rendering properly

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

When using the Add Item action to add to a Page Group, the SubScriptPromptInput HTML screen appears as a modal to allow the user to enter the Page subscript. In order to correct an error where the OK / Cancel buttons on the screen were not rendering correctly when the SubScriptPromptInput is non auto generated, the markup in @baseclass ! SubscriptPrompt has been updated.

SR-B76473 · Issue 327855

Strategy rule smart prompt exception fixed for Microsoft Internet Explorer 11

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

When using the Execute on Other page SmartPrompt in Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, it was not prompting for values on the Pages & Classes tab. This was traced to an uncaught exception error and has been fixed.

SR-B76473 · Issue 316965

Strategy rule smart prompt exception fixed for Microsoft Internet Explorer 11

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

When using the Execute on Other page SmartPrompt in Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, it was not prompting for values on the Pages & Classes tab. This was traced to an uncaught exception error and has been fixed.

SR-B50863 · Issue 314694

Corrected error for second open of WO history

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

When using the out-of-the-box View History action on the toolbar to show history, the history screen displayed as expected and could be closed with the 'close' button. However, reopening the View History showed an error screen. This has been fixed by modifying the "isWindowOnDesignerDesktop" method to return the correct value for popup cases.

SR-B46520 · Issue 304703

pxRecents correctly updates pxUpdateDateTime for OpenWorkItem

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

When using the pxRecents function to update the pxUpdateDateTime property, the pxRecents update was occurring for OpenSelectedItem but not for OpenWorkItem. This was traced to the the ContentID parameter having a value for the OpenSelectedItem action but not for the OpenWorkItem action, and has been fixed.

SR-B40376 · Issue 300228

XSS filtering added to GenerateHarnessContentHTML

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

XSS filtering has been added to the Show-Harness activity API for longitude, latitude and folder key options.

SR-B35593 · Issue 297558

Fixed multi-click to dismiss Safari cookie message

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

In some cases, Pega Mashup displayed a message to allow cookies for Safari users that required several clicks before the confirmation was accepted and the message was dismissed. This was caused by the system assuming the message was always the first child of a gadget, and has been fixed by using the openCookieConsent method to obtain the child div of the gadget using the "pega-mashup-cookieconsent" class and then remove it.

SR-B41880 · Issue 300996

Broken-Process SLA update API changed

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

When an SLA update on a work object occurred and the current SLA was in Broken-Process Status, the action failed with the error "The Flow Action post-processing activity ActionChangeAssignmentSLAProps failed: Instance of class Queue not found". This was an issue where dequeuing the SLA entry item to update it with new time caused a status conflict with the blob. To avoid this, the activity ActionChangeAssignmentSLAProps has been updated to use the API updateDeferred(page,repairBroken) which accepts a Boolean if it has to repair a broken item. Setting the repairBroken flag to 'true' will bypass the call to dequeue.

SR-B43400 · Issue 307258

Localization added for field value used in 'Enter a Short Description' validation message

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

Localization was failing for the 'Enter a Short Description' validation message when using a Field Value due to the message rule containing spaces. To fix this, a new message rule has been created without spaces in the same ruleset so that it is available for override use in the ruleset.

SR-B44352 · Issue 306061

Fixed exported PDFs of scheduled email reports in DS

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3.1

Scheduled email reports that were converted to PDF were not readable, appearing as a list of rules in a very small font in white over a very light grey. This happened when the "export to pdf" command came from the designer studio; pzDesignerStudio was being picked and using a skin with new CSS features like font-size: inherit, color: inherit etc., which were not supported by the PD4ML library. As a workaround, it was possible to ignore the skin while exporting the PDF via enabling the "Ignore application skin when exporting to PDF" data access tab of the report, causing the system to consider the styles from the pyReport_ExportToPdfStyles available rule instead of skin. As a permanent fix, the system will avoid encountering parsing errors with PD4ML by loading "pyReport_ExportToPdfStyles" and automatically removing the skin file whenever export to PDF via designer studio is triggered.

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