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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D23174 · Issue 499567

Check logic added for change in datetime

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After selecting a valid date in the calendar UI, clicking outside of the DateTime control caused the date to disappear when using the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. Investigation showed that the order of events execution is different in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, so that by the time the getReadOnlyFormatting method was called, the data-changed attribute had already been updated to 'false'. This caused the read-only formatting to not be applied so the data-display-value was considered to be empty. To resolve this, a check has been added to better detect the change so that read-only formatting gets applied.

SR-D23340 · Issue 497605

Calendar begins with Saturday in the Arabic locale

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

When using the Arabic locale, the week was not starting on Saturday as expected, but was showing Thursday as the first day. This has been corrected.

SR-D24083 · Issue 498486

Guardrail warning removed for setting filter by format on RD sourced grid

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After upgrade, use of the 'filter by format' (Configuration on table layout column) for grids sourced with report definition caused confusion in that the option now exists to either to see the value or the formatted value in the filter panel. Previously, a grid layout would show a date format in both the column of a grid and the filter of that column, but the filter changes produced a date format on the column within the grid but the date time format applied on filter of the column. This behavior change will be reflected in updated documentation. In addition, there is a workaround to recreate the old behavior by changing the column 'Date assigned' from a filter by value to format, but a moderate guardrail warning was created when filter by format was set on any column of a grid sourced to a report definition. This has been removed: when filter by format is selected, no guardrail warning will be displayed in design time.

SR-D24318 · Issue 494055

Dom API updated to resolve IE11 not loading async data with refresh when

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

The browser was continuously showing "loading" if IE11 was used for a section which was sourced from a data page and configured to load the data asynchronously from a external service while calling an activity and using a 'refresh when' rule to refresh the section if a property changed. Investigation showed that the initial data load was successful and the section with the data was visible, but if the property changed and the section loaded once again due to the 'refresh when' condition, the browser was unable to render the defer loaded section case because the dom returned had the wrong value. To resolve this, the API used to check for the dom element has been updated.

SR-D25012 · Issue 499851

Column filtering updated to better handle merged columns

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

When filters were applied to a grid containing merged columns, the columns next to the merged columns did not have the filter class applied. This was traced to a calculation of the index in getFilteredColumnIndex function which did not consider the merge columns use case, and the uigrid js file has been updated to correct this issue.

SR-D25251 · Issue 493798

Added support for non-auto DisplayYesNo control

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

A Change event on post value and refresh was not firing as expected in a section configured with a TrueFalse type property associated with a DisplayYesNo control. The same configuration worked correctly when used with a pxRadioButtons control. This was traced to non-auto control action JSON not generating on the second radio button(No) , and support has been added for this.

SR-D26244 · Issue 501191

Label control cross-site scripting protection added

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

Cross-site scripting protection has been added to label control.

SR-D28060 · Issue 505636

Cross-site scripting protection added to Pega App Studio Spaces

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

Ajax Request's callback success method has a mechanism to process the response object's HTML responseText, initiate and modify the changeTracker changes, and eventually call renderUI to render the DOM. However, the response object sometimes may return a different type (JSON) that may expose cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. To improve security for the Pega App Studio, the system will process the Ajax request's response text only if the response date type is not JSON by accepting a flag in the callback object passed by the caller.

SR-D28496 · Issue 499079

Corrected exceptions report appearing on user screen

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

When "Break on all exceptions" was enabled, the exceptions report was visible on the end user screen when using IE11. This has been resolved with updates to the 'pzpega_ui_dynamiccontainer' and 'pzpega_ui_doc_tabsupport.js' files.

SR-D28657 · Issue 500583

Corrected Reference value's description in Table

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

When a user was given 'property for value' as an ID and 'property for display text' like a name, launching the portal showed the display text correctly until 'refresh' was clicked, at which time the current section showed the property value instead of the property text. Investigation showed that the parameter string split inside the parameterised data page used as a dropdown source failed in the read-only case. This has been corrected.

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