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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D58927 · Issue 522288

Added expiration for orphaned tracers

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

After tracing a REST service, the tracer was persisting but not showing in the requestor list from Admin studio. The operator shown in the error did not have access to the system anymore, and other users were not able to trace the service rule. Trying to clear the requestors in all the nodes using API POST /nodes/{nodeID}/pools/requestor/clear also did not resolve the issue. To address this, a distributed rule watch expiration has been added.

SR-D59262 · Issue 523615

Cleanup added for staging directory

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Temporary files from imports and exports (from DevOps) were filling up the staging area disk space because there was no automatic process for cleaning up these local files. This has been resolved by adding an enhancement that will clear the directory on Engine Startup and any time ParUtils.setStagingDirectory gets called to initialize the staging directory.

SR-D61967 · Issue 528215

Updated key handling for ProcessJWT

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

After configuring an authentication service which used the ProcessJWT activity to validate the token received, the error "Unable to process the Json Web Token " was seen. Analysis showed the error was caused by a duplicate Key Id in JWK Endpoint Response: the system removed keys after processing, and in the case of duplicate keys the system was throwing null pointer exception because the key had already been removed. To resolve this, the system has been updated to not remove the keys from the map as part of this process.

SR-D63232 · Issue 524294

Support added for Authentication service rule attributes in embedded pages

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

SSO login was not working, giving the error "Unable to process the SAML WebSSO request : No value specified for Attribute in SAML assertion". Investigation showed the Authentication service rule could only map attributes that are on the top level page and did not consider embedded page values. To resolve this, tools.getProperty will be used to fetch the property reference value instead of find Page and getString.

SR-D63668 · Issue 525478

Access Control Policy updated to handle NotEqual with valuelist

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When editing the Access Control Policy Condition rule in Designer Studio and setting condition to 'is not equal', comparing it to a list generated the error "function not found". The same configuration worked as expected for the 'is equal' condition. This has been resolved by updating policycondition to handle a not equal scenario combined with a valueList property.

SR-D63681 · Issue 527382

Localization added to login page messages

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Localization has been added to the messages that appear on the login and forgot password screens.

SR-D63727 · Issue 531723

Authorization header base 64 format error recategorized as debug logging

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Numerous messages were generated indicating that the Authorization Header format was invalid when using the format " : " (Base64 Og==) . As this is the default behavior for a particular class of proxy servers, the error statement has been updated to be logged as a debug statement and will be visible only when that logging is enabled.

SR-D64408 · Issue 530280

Stacktrace will be generated for oLog errors

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

In order to provide improved diagnostics, oLog errors will print stacktraces.

SR-D66222 · Issue 529634

Tracer expiration set for five minutes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Tracer was not terminating on tracer window closure. On the next attempt to open a trace, a message appeared stating "Cannot Launch Multiple Tracer Sessions for a requestor. This requestor is being traced by operator". Tracer session termination was dependent on the browser executing code on window close. Because this event may not be triggered for number of reasons, updates have been made to set tracer session expiration at 5 minutes. In addition, the system will clean up expired sessions before checking for existing sessions.

SR-D66521 · Issue 536138

Logout Redirect updated to handle special characters in IDP parameters

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When using "HTTP Redirect" in Authentication Service, the Logout Redirect service was failing due to the query parameter name containing "_" (underscore). This was traced to IDP sending parameters to assertion consumer service or logout request endpoint with names which contained any special characters, as the system was trying to put those key values on the parameter page for additional processing. To resolve this, the system has been updated to suppress exceptions when the parameters from IDP includes special characters.

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