INC-132670 · Issue 585774
JAWS reads optimized table rows correctly
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.1
When using JAWS2020 on Google Chrome on a PegaWAI enabled application and traversing an optimized table using Table shortcuts, the first row of the table was never read, and columns were read with the headers, but with unnecessary verbiage. For example, if column "Name" had an entry "Adam", JAWS read out "Name press enter to sort , Adam" instead of just "Name Adam". JAWS reads the data columns based on aria-rowindex: because it treated the header as the first row, it directly went to the row with aria-rowindex 2. In the second issue, the complete header group was read by JAWS because there was no aria-label. These have been resolved by modifying the aria-rowindex attribute for first data row accessibility by JAWS, and aria-label has added to the header group to restrict what is read out while navigating across the data columns.
INC-137691 · Issue 585769
Aria label added to support description of tab groups
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.1
When using layout group - tab, the screen reader would immediately read the first tab; there was no information about the tab group itself. To support giving a description of the purpose of the upcoming tabs, Layoutgroup and DLG now have a design time descriptor to configure an aria-label which will be used to announce the purpose of the Layoutgroup ahead of reading the first tab.
INC-137324 · Issue 584917
Corrected tabbing focus when modal flow has 'disable when'
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.1
While tabbing through the modal dialog, focus moved to the background screen if there were custom flow action buttons that had a 'disable when' condition. This was caused by the last focusable element being a disabled element, and has been resolved by adding a disabled check in the getLastFocusableElement method that will determine whether element is disabled, and if so it will look for other elements as disabled elements can't be focused.
SR-D69098 · Issue 534042
Export to Excel works for for report definition with duplicate columns
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After adding a date column to a report definition (2nd column in the report), the data displayed correctly in the UI but Export to Excel failed with the error "Section 'pzRDExportWrapper' execution error on page '' of class 'Rule-Obj-Report-Definition'. : The Reference .pyDateValue(2) is not valid." This was traced to an out of bounds exception thrown if there were two or more columns with the same calculation. When preparing for export, the column with the duplicate calculation would not get added to the map of report UI fields. To resolve this, the system has been updated to allow report definition columns with the same calculation to be properly mapped to a UI field.
SR-D69108 · Issue 543846
Handling added for drag-and-drop with deleted report templates
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After adding a new report, an error appeared when trying to use drag-and-drop to add a column (Page List) from the Data Explorer in the report browser. This was traced to refactor work done to use the Record API throughout reporting: the ruleset on new reports was not being reset from a Pega- ruleset to an application ruleset, causing columns the referenced properties defined outside the platform to be rejected. This use case was missed because case types define their own report templates on creation, but in this scenario those had been deleted. To resolve this, the system has been updated to call pxChooseBestRuleset from pxShowReport in order to enable the use of properties defined in the application prior to saving the report.
SR-D91038 · Issue 553165
Corrected report with combo chart in Case Manager portal
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After adding the required columns a report in the report viewer and then adding a combo chart and dropping the summarized column on the y-axes and group by column on X-axis, clicking on "done editing" generated the error "pyUI.pyChart: You must have at least two Aggregate Columns in the chart series .pyUI.pyChart.pyDataAxis(1).pyChartOutputType: A Combo chart requires at least 1 Chart Type be a Column". Investigation showed that the second DataAxis page was getting deleted in the pzCleanChartDataAxis activity, causing the validation to fail. This has been resolved by adding a 'when' rule to "pzChartIsSingleY" that checks for "SingleYAxisClustered" chart and refers the same in pzCleanChartDataAxis to skip the data axis deletion.
SR-D90232 · Issue 555781
Combo charts now support conditional colors
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
An enhancement has been added to facilitate the use of conditional colors in combination charts.
SR-D83060 · Issue 547919
Repaired History class report column sorting
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
Attempting to sort any of the columns in a report using the History class did not render the results and the error "Cannot render the section" appeared. Tracer showed a Fail status for some OOTB activities with the message "java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException". Investigation showed the logic in pzMergeAutoGenForProp activity was failing because the pyIsFunction property was not set on the UIField pages for function columns. To resolve this, the logic for pzMergeAutoGenForProp has been modified to get pyIsFunction from the field name.
SR-D65327 · Issue 534571
Backspace keydown handler updated for all textinput modes
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
Attempting to use the Backspace key to remove input from a number cell (either Integer or Decimal) did not work. When the action was performed by a Manager, the Backspace key works as expected. Investigation showed the logic in the keydown handler for the backspace key in pega_report_events.js was only ignoring the e.preventDefault() call when the textinput node type was text, not number or other input types. To correct this, the keydown handler has been updated so the backspace key in pega_report_events.js maintains the default backspace functionality for all textinput modes, not just those of type 'text'.
SR-D75097 · Issue 539516
Improved handling against formula injection attacks in Export to ExcelJJ
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
Every time a possibly vulnerable cell value was found during Export to Excel, the value on that cell was modified to prevent a formula injection attack. If the value was non numeric, it would still render an apostrophe, although it should be hidden. Previous work on this issue involved the addition of a DSS which allowed this security to be disabled if the Excel was going to be consumed by an external tool, but the security implementation used to protect against calculation injection has reworked the ExcelSecurity utility function to allow the ability to change the cell style of a cell that is potentially vulnerable to formula injection attacks. This change no longer changes the cell value but instead applies a new cell style that has quotePrefix enabled.