SR-D83424 · Issue 552722
Class Loader cache values wrapped with WeakReference for improved cleanup
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
Out Of Memory exceptions due to Metaspace were observed on Web tier instances running with a max Metaspace size of 2GB. Investigation showed that in PRClassLoaderDB, mLoaderCache values were wrapped with a SoftReference. To resolve this, the Class Loader cache values will be wrapped with a WeakReference, allowing the cache to free memory when it is no longer needed. JVM options has also been added to switch types of References being used if there is a preference.
INC-120356 · Issue 560224
Class Loader cache values wrapped with WeakReference for improved cleanup
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
Out Of Memory exceptions due to Metaspace were observed on Web tier instances running with a max Metaspace size of 2GB. Investigation showed that in PRClassLoaderDB, mLoaderCache values were wrapped with a SoftReference. To resolve this, the Class Loader cache values will be wrapped with a WeakReference, allowing the cache to free memory when it is no longer needed. JVM options has also been added to switch types of References being used if there is a preference.
SR-D84122 · Issue 547967
Added min INT comparison for BrowseByKeys
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
Running the dataset with the Browse option worked as expected, but running it using BrowseByKeys operation and giving a negative value caused results to not be populated. To resolve this, a minimum INT value comparison has been added.
SR-D40785 · Issue 548939
WorkPageName preserved during passivation so attachments are correctly tracked
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
When a work object was left open but inactive for a period, using the delete button in the pyAttachFieldRequired section caused the deletion of the Attachment Links for the 500 most recent attachments in the system with the same value for the AttachmentFieldName, regardless of which work object they were attached to. This was due to the delete attachments activity being executed with missing parameters: since data page loading was disabled and read-only data pages are not passivated, the value for the autopopulate property 'WorkPageName' was passed as empty. This has been resolved.
SR-D75053 · Issue 540913
Corrected Agent schedule time conversion
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After upgrade, a mismatch between the agent configuration and schedule was seen, causing an agent scheduled at 6PM Europe/London time to execute at 6AM Europe/London instead. Analysis of the Agent schedule rule showed that if the pyStartAmPm property was empty, the internal code miscalculated the AM_PM string as AM. That meant that if an agent was configured with 24 hour clock format and was set to run at 18:00 hrs, it executed at 6AM. The workaround for this issue involved resaving the agent, triggering the data transform pzSetStartAmPm to correct the field pyStartAmPm, but the issue has been corrected by adding handling for the pyStartAmPm == " corner case.
SR-D85410 · Issue 549569
Improved queue processor tracing
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After starting to trace the queue processor, the message "waiting up to 1 minute for queue processor, <<Name>> to start processing an item" was displayed as expected, but if the tracer was closed and then there was another attempt to trace the queue processor, the message "Trace request with the current requestor is already registered. Multiple trace requests from same requestor are not allowed." appeared. Research showed that this was related to the implementation around canceling a background task, and has been resolved by adding code to handle the scenario of terminating an on-going trace request on window close and then beginning another trace request with the same requestor.
SR-D83023 · Issue 549688
Apache Commons Compress library upgraded
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
The Apache Commons Compress library has been upgraded to v1.19.
SR-D70768 · Issue 547017
Handling added for unavailable oWnd
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After using a Snap Start URL to open an assignment, terminating the requestor and hitting the URL again resulted in a blank screen. This was traced to the pzUnknownSessionAlert script throwing an error when oWnd.pega was not available, and has been resolved by adding the needed handling.
SR-D75835 · Issue 539303
Added handling for Google Chrome drag and drop of Outlook email
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
Attempting to drag and drop an email from Outlook to a case opened in Google Chrome resulted in the email being moved to the Outlook deleted folder. This was traced to Google Chrome defaulting to defining the "dropEffect" attribute as "none" when the expectation is it should be "copy". To resolve this, the recommended handling from Microsoft has been added as an event to make a copy (and not a move) an email from Outlook when dragged and dropped with Google Chrome.
SR-D87093 · Issue 548145
Compilation logic error corrected
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
A compilation failure on upgraded systems using the JDK 11 compilation of libraries that include Pega 7 functions that have INCLUDE statements that are not supported in JDK 11 was traced to a logic error added when enhancing debug logging. This has been corrected.