SR-D74008 · Issue 537290
A Filter on the grid shows value for a second click
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
A Filter on the grid was not showing any record value for a second click. This was traced to a conflict in considering column headers caused by the Filter Icon delegating two Grids, leading the process to take the context of the other Grid instead of the one which had been clicked. To resolve this, a check for the right context of the Grid has been added to the filterOnProperEvent method.
SR-D71944 · Issue 543731
Resolved data page loop in templatized UI
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
A Layout Group was configured with six dropdowns sourced to Parameterized datapages with "disable automatic refresh" unchecked; every next dropdown depended upon the previous property, and the previous property was sourced as parameter, and so on until last dropdown. When the value in the dropdowns changed, the section kept refreshing and the portal became unresponsive. This was traced to the combination of a Datapage as the source to the dropdown with "disable automatic refresh" unchecked and expression evaluation as well. Templatized UI has 'visible when' expressions for all the properties inside the top level page. Changing the first one fired refresh on the next one, and the next one's refresh fired the other drop down refresh until it became recursive. This did not occur in non-templatized UI as it does not have expression IDs and there are no recursive calls. This issue has been corrected by modifying how the temporary mapping is populated by the reloadCells API in Expression Evaluator to prevent unwanted cell refreshes.
SR-D68328 · Issue 557750
Unload handler added for use with custom popups
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
A memory leak seen in Microsoft Internet Explorer was traced to a custom script to close windows which bypassed window unload and continued to hold some objects in memory. This has been resolved by introducing a new file which will load only for popup harnesses and which registers the unload handler to remove the popup window references.
SR-D73260 · Issue 536891
Multiselect control support for offline-enabled iOS app
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After a custom mobile application for iOS was built and was running on iPad for an offline-enabled user adding a multiselect control into a section as part a flow caused the screen to hang when a save or submit was performed. This has been resolved by enhancing support for offline multiselect submit with the addition of pzpega_ui_template_multiselect_capsule to offline static bundle.
SR-D92571 · Issue 553115
Corrected ReportBrowser refresh section
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After bringing up the popup menu on a report shortcut in the report viewer and then dismissing it, the gear icon on the shortcuts in the upper section of the report browser stopped responding. This has been resolved by updating the system to refresh the pyReportBrowserInner section instead of pyReportBrowserAll.
INC-125458 · Issue 562535
ArtifactoryStorage URL construction with port updated
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After configuring a repository as a JFROG artifactory with a ruleform that provided a URL / port number and repository name, test connectivity worked as expected, but deploying the codeset using pipeline or importing the codeset using the import functionality generated the error "Unable to construct artifactory url due to invalid file path". The root cause of the issue was traced to the ArtifactoryStorage java class, which did not accept the port number in the format provided due to changes in the API. If there was no portNumber in the URL, the issue did not occur. To resolve this, the constructor has been changed to properly build the URI per
SR-D85400 · Issue 549061
Reset focus to Rich-text editor after Spellchecker use
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After correcting the misspelled words as suggested by SpellChecker, the corrected words were not reflected in the email. This was traced to a focus issue in Rich-text editor, and has been resolved by ensuring the focus is returned to Rich-text editor once the suggested corrections are accepted.
SR-D58868 · Issue 531800
Check added for unicode calendar values
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After creating a repeating grid section for work report definition with enabled filter option, running the section and giving the filter value in unicode calendar form such as 2019/11/12 did not pass validation. This has been resolved by adding a check for unicode values
SR-D77557 · Issue 544683
Support added for custom portal with temporary work object
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After creating a screen flow with temporary work object in a custom portal, entering some data and clicking caused the screen to be blank after browser refresh. The same process from Designer Studio or the Case Manager portal worked as expected. Investigation showed that SPA applications with displayonpage actions was sending empty parameters to render the harness due to the 'doUiAction' activity clearing additional pages for single frame portals. To resolve this, the 'when' rule in step14 has been updated to support a custom portal and temporary work object.
SR-D90331 · Issue 553608
Context-specific APIs used for RefreshHarness with AJAX container
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After creating an interaction case and letting it go idle, attempting to continue and process the service cases in that case was intermittently resulting in a transaction ID mismatch error. This was traced to handling in the AJAX container, and has been resolved by updating the system to use context-specific APIs for refreshHarness case in doc_submit.