SR-D73224 · Issue 542629
Case manager portal links working with SVG file
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After modifying the pyPortalHeader to show a custom logo in the Case manager portal by saving the pyapp-logo.svg file into a ruleset and uploading the logo, none of the Case manager portal links or menus were working and a console error appeared. Investigation showed the SVG file stream was decoded and then encoded using the Base64Util.encode and decode, which was adding new line characters. To resolve this, step 4 in Rule-File-Binary.UploadFile Activity has been modified to remove the Base64 encode and decode.
SR-D70064 · Issue 541962
Case UI correct following multiple approval levels
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After proceeding through different levels of approvals, the UI of the case was incorrect on the final approval submit. This was traced to the forceSkinGeneration parameter, which was set to true, being used by a workformstyles fragment. This has been resolved by changing pzUsePreferenceSkin to "once" and setting the parameter forceSkinGeneration to false after the pyAttachAsPDF activity call.
SR-D99025 · Issue 558221
Refresh-Other section correctly shifts focus on tab out
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After upgrade, a difference was seen in the behavior of the Refresh-Other section action functions. Previously, focus was shifted to the next field when tabbing out, which is the desired behavior. Investigation showed that this was a result of modifications made to resolve other focus issues, and the previous behavior has been returned by updating the conditions used to call the "focusNextElement" method to include a check whether the reloadElement is stale, and to get the focusElement from DOM based on name (pega.util.Dom.getElementsByName(focusElemName)) if needed.
SR-D80572 · Issue 558412
Refresh-Other section correctly shifts focus on tab out
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After upgrade, a difference was seen in the behavior of the Refresh-Other section action functions. Previously, focus was shifted to the next field when tabbing out, which is the desired behavior. Investigation showed that this was a result of modifications made to resolve other focus issues, and the previous behavior has been returned by updating the conditions used to call the "focusNextElement" method to include a check whether the reloadElement is stale, and to get the focusElement from DOM based on name (pega.util.Dom.getElementsByName(focusElemName)) if needed.
SR-D58021 · Issue 524962
Show-stream/html repaired for custom portals
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After upgrade, show-stream/html in activity was not getting executed properly on custom portals. ShowDesktop was modified in 8.1 for AssociateRequestor implementation. As part of that, the custom portal step was moved to the new activity pzPopulateRequestor which is invoked from ShowDesktop. The JUMP condition in step is exiting the pzPopulateRequestor activity, but not ShowDesktop as was the case in the previous versions. To resolve this, the JUMP condition (.pyDesktopType=="Custom") has been added in ShowDesktop at the pzPopulateRequestor call step.
SR-D74992 · Issue 546877
Improved CPMHC performance
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After upgrade, slowness was seen when using the CPMHC application. This has been improved by adding Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 optimization with the most recent javascript API.
SR-D68277 · Issue 541816
Added logoff check for requestors
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
After upgrade, the error "java.lang.InterruptedException. Requester has been destroyed" was appearing in the logs. Investigation showed this was related to unregister requests being submitted after logoff, and has been resolved by updating the system to check for logout before sending unregister requests.
SR-D71202 · Issue 535409
Corrected autocomplete results for parameterized RD in grid
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
An autocomplete included in a grid and configured with results display as 'List' where the source for the autocomplete was a parameterized report definition and the RD parameter was an associated property of autocomplete did not show any results. If the results display was changed from 'List' to 'Grid', it worked as expected. This has been resolved by adding a null check on rowdetail in the "replaceParamsTokens" method for autocomplete.
SR-D64945 · Issue 534324
Accessibility enhanced for multiselect
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
Aria attributes for multiselect items and container have been added to enhance accessibility.
SR-D82148 · Issue 546762
Localization improved for ToolTips
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5
Attempting to use the Field value to localize the tooltip for Hour and Minute resulted in the time being displayed as "tooltip: Hour". Support has been added for localizing these fields using pyTooltip. In addition, an issue with the tooltip still being displayed after switching helper text to None and saving (without manually clearing the existing text) has been resolved with an update that will clear the tooltip value when helper text is selected as 'None'.