SR-122440 · Issue 183753
Corrected text wrap for cases
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
Text wrapping was not happening automatically in long history descriptions in a case. This was due to a missing function and has been corrected.
SR-122451 · Issue 184656
Smoothed multi-access group switching
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
In the user portal, there is an option to change the access group to switch between the applications. There was no problem changing the access group the first time, but after creating a work object it was not possible to change the access group again. This was caused by the NavigationHeading - Changes table-layout CSS property value being set to "auto" , and the handleWidgets method has been changed to use the getAttribute method instead.
SR-122481 · Issue 189776
Issue with layout visibility condition expression formatting corrected
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
After migration, the layout visibility condition expression was not working when given a value starting with zero in quotes (e.g. .tansactionstatuscd=='014'), although removing the single quotes or the zero caused the rule to evaluate to true. Previously, expressions were evaluated on the server side only but recent architecture changes moved this to the client side where such expressions were not supported. In order to ensure correct behavior, single quotes will be removed rom the given visible 'when' condition so the evaluation returns the expected result.
SR-122481 · Issue 186751
Issue with layout visibility condition expression formatting corrected
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
After migration, the layout visibility condition expression was not working when given a value starting with zero in quotes (e.g. .tansactionstatuscd=='014'), although removing the single quotes or the zero caused the rule to evaluate to true. Previously, expressions were evaluated on the server side only but recent architecture changes moved this to the client side where such expressions were not supported. In order to ensure correct behavior, single quotes will be removed rom the given visible 'when' condition so the evaluation returns the expected result.
SR-122493 · Issue 190767
Support added for conditional page list properties
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
After upgrading, validate rules on aggregate properties had unexpected behaviors. This rule formation was inadvertently allowed in some earlier versions despite guardrails, so support for these conditional page list properties has been added in order to enhance backwards compatibility.
SR-122500 · Issue 183869
Smoothed use of Row Repeat with a Repeating Grid that shares references
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
Issues were found with the display of Row Repeat. It was not displayed when a section contained a repeating grid and row repeat layout that had the same pagegroup property reference, and in other cases was displayed improperly after taking the wrong class for a 'when' condition. The failure to display was due to the active page being the last page of the page group as set by Repeat Grid. The RepeatGrid layout generation was changed beginning in v6.3 onwards, and now uses a method-based engine. However, the RowRepeat layout has been deprecated and therefore still uses the previous generation method. This difference creates a conflict when the RowRepeat kicks off in the same stream generation. Furthermore, this issue arises only when the two layouts bound to same PageGroup property source, and not with a Pagelist property. To resolve this, the system now resets the activePage to that of the primary page in case of page group data source in the Repeat Grid generation so that the Row Repeat gets the proper active page for its generation. The issue with displaying when it should not has been resolved by retaining the existing business logic wherever the section rule with body visible when condition is used in a repeating layout.
SR-122504 · Issue 189293
Made operator identification consistent across flows
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
A naming difference was seen in work flows depending on whether Visio or modular functions were used: Visio picks the "Task_Assignment2" function to generate java for assignment, giving the operator ID, but modular flows use "Task_Assignment" and show the operator name. In order to show consistent behavior, the code has been modified such that it first gets the operator name from the assign page if it exists, and it does not exist it will fall back to sending the operator ID as parameter.
SR-122513 · Issue 184655
Resolved missing alert for dirty Dynamic Select pages
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
At runtime when the user selects some value in first dynamic\c select and tries to close the work object by clicking on the red cross mark(X), the expected dirty form alert message was not appearing. The system should set SectionReloaded to true to trigger an alert in this circumstance, but in this was not happening for this case and has been corrected.
SR-122529 · Issue 184997
Creation and testing corrected for ATOM server connection using Alfresco 4.2
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
When creating a new ATOM Server instance with Alfresco 4.2, an error was logged and shown on the screen. This process worked with Alfresco 4.0. In the process of upgrading openCMIS jars, Atom and SOAP server connectivity tests were also changed to use HTTP, and Atom Server connectivity tests should now work for all versions of Alfresco.
SR-122559 · Issue 181629
Removed pagination from GetBinaryFiles RD to ensure all records are reported
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
When attaching content smart shapes in Standard flow, not all results were shown if pagination was enabled. This was caused by the pagination limiting the returned information to 50 records, and manifested as Binary File path autocomplete not showing all the results, the open rule icon not working even if the binary file rule existed, FileKey only being generated if the file was selected from the autocomplete list, and an Invalid file attachment error if an existing binary file was accessed. In order to resolve this work flow issue, pagination has been disabled in the GetBinaryFiles report definition.