SR-122559 · Issue 179977
Removed pagination from GetBinaryFiles RD to ensure all records are reported
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
When attaching content smart shapes in Standard flow, not all results were shown if pagination was enabled. This was caused by the pagination limiting the returned information to 50 records, and manifested as Binary File path autocomplete not showing all the results, the open rule icon not working even if the binary file rule existed, FileKey only being generated if the file was selected from the autocomplete list, and an Invalid file attachment error if an existing binary file was accessed. In order to resolve this work flow issue, pagination has been disabled in the GetBinaryFiles report definition.
SR-122591 · Issue 183772
Addressed migrate.bat file datetime format issue
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
The script 'migrate.bat' sets up a logfile name based on the current time/date. However, the script was only working when using United States/English as the locale where the format of the '%date%' variable was MM/DD/YYYY, and failed with an obscure error in locales using the DD/MM/YYYY format. There was a local change of hardcoding the 'TIMESTAMP' variable, but this has been resolved by adding the use of a local insensitive datetime from the WMIC utility on Windows systems for the install.bat, upgrade.bat, resume.bat and migrate.bat scripts. The WMIC utility (Windows Management Interface Cmdline) is supported in XP and beyond.
SR-122611 · Issue 188016
Removed flickering scrollbar during spellcheck
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
Clicking the spellcheck icon while using a composite portal with a work area caused a scrollbar to briefly appear then disappear. In the spellcheckerscript js rule, a temporary div is created in the DOM that causes a vertical scroll bar to show up temporarily. The innerHTML of the temporary div has been nullified to resolve the flickering.
SR-122613 · Issue 185054
"Apply Rule" form UI updated
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
After migration, the XML Configuration Rule form "Apply Rule" had inconsistent fields labels after converting the rule form to autogenerated. The UI has been updated to present the labels in the same manner as prior versions to avoid confusion.
SR-122618 · Issue 185154
SetNewReportColumn now defaults to 20px
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
No nominal column width was assigned to new columns added to a report. If the other columns in the report had an assigned cumulative width that exceeded the width of the browser window, the added column was not visible or selectable either in the Report Editor or in the Report viewer. The added column behaved as if it had zero width. To resolve this, SetNewReportColumn has been modified with a default of FieldWidth as 20 and FieldWidthUnit as px.
SR-122619 · Issue 188285
Ensured Excel reports contain fresh data
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
A sporadic issue was found when running multiple reports and exporting them to Excel where new reports sometimes contained data from previously exported results. This was found to be an issue with stale data being left on the TmpExportResultsPageOrig because this page was not listed in the Page-Remove at the end of the RDExportWrapper activity. This has been corrected.
SR-122637 · Issue 183016
MaxFileLength property added to avoid truncating attachment names
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
While adding the attachments to the case using drag and drop functionality, the file name and file description were being truncated. However, a new property named "pyMaxFileLength" is now available as an override in pyDefault Model to set a different name limit. If this property is not set, it will take the default value of 60 and proceed. Also for UI error messages, pyNote property in Data-WorkAttach-File and Embed-DragDropFile in the application ruleset must have the max length limitation removed from there or the MaxFileLength will be overridden by that setting.
SR-122641 · Issue 182813
Edit filters repaired for Report Definition text fields with Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 & Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
Using Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, all of the Report Definition text Fields (including auto complete) in the Edit Filters were disabled and would not accept input when trying to select the property using the mouse. To resolve this, the UI functions have been modified to handle range text native functions for these browsers.
SR-122641 · Issue 181600
Edit filters repaired for Report Definition text fields with Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 & Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
Using Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, all of the Report Definition text Fields (including auto complete) in the Edit Filters were disabled and would not accept input when trying to select the property using the mouse. To resolve this, the UI functions have been modified to handle range text native functions for these browsers.
SR-122660 · Issue 185609
Corrected button label issue
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
A button label configured as "&Cancel" was not displaying correctly due to the label being double-encoded in the generatebutton RUF. This has been corrected.