SR-A5634 · Issue 214504
Manager Portal maintains clipboard Application Page
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
The Application Page on the clipboard was being removed when the Manager Portal was launched, causing any function references to the application page to not be properly executed. This was traced to an activity that was calling an outdated bulk processing harness, and that activity has been updated to use the proper current version.
SR-A6880 · Issue 217952
Mobile browser change to handle double-click event configs
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
A Work Object mapped to calendar was not opening when single clicked or double clicked using the Safari browser on an iPad. This was a problem with double-click being configured on the event, which does not work on a mobile browser. This has been fixed by adding a smart prompt to the mouse-over for desktop versions, and a configuration change that allows a single click / tap to open the work object on all types of devices.
SR-A6880 · Issue 217953
Mobile browser change to handle double-click event configs
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
A Work Object mapped to calendar was not opening when single clicked or double clicked using the Safari browser on an iPad. This was a problem with double-click being configured on the event, which does not work on a mobile browser. This has been fixed by adding a smart prompt to the mouse-over for desktop versions, and a configuration change that allows a single click / tap to open the work object on all types of devices.
SR-A6315 · Issue 215955
Parameters passed correctly by Data Transforms called on a Connector
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Data Transforms called on a Connector rule of a flow in Data- or Int- classes (other than work classes) set on the design tab were not passing parameters even when input parameters were defined in the data transform. This was caused by an error where the classname was not being taken from pyClassName and passed to the section pzRuleCallParams, and has been corrected.
SR-A5507 · Issue 213294
pc_link_attachment properly populates the pxCreateOpName column
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Resaved activities which use Link-Objects method and java steps to create a link page have been updated to properly populate and store values for the pxCreateOpName column that originate from Link-Attachment tables.
SR-A7188 · Issue 215492
pzShowConflicts message localized
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Localization has been added for pzShowConflicts by adding the configurable field "pyMessageLabel.ShowConflictMessage".
SR-133255 · Issue 204955
Resolved NPE caused by outbound email call after wait shape
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
After a wait shape, a NullPointerException was thrown when a work item was moved to the problem flow after a call to send an outbound email. Changes have been made to the "ProcessIndividualDepAssignment" activity and "FlowProblems" flow to correct this issue.
SR-A6363 · Issue 216182
Resolved Where AM I issue when there is flow on embedded page
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Clicking on the "Where Am I?" option when there was a subprocess defined on embedded page in a flow failed to display anything on screen and an error was logged. This was caused by the obj-open referring to the wrong flow class value, and has been corrected.
SR-A9699 · Issue 221149
Added handling for CR/LF in imported CSV file
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Importing a file failed with a java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. On the end user side, the dialog box read 'Uploading...' and then clears the input file name. This was a problem with new line characters within the CSV fields: while importing the file, these new line characters were treated incorrectly and parsed as the end of a row in CSV To correct this, the fields containing new line characters will be enclosed in double quotes while exporting. The import parsing logic was also changed to handle new line characters within the fields.
SR-A8242 · Issue 218454
Check added for double encoded quotes in imported CSV
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
When the content in a CSV file contained double quotes, it was parsed incorrectly during import if it had been previously edited and saved in Excel. This was due to a double encoding of the quotes, and a check has been added to handle such doubling if it is present in the file.