SR-A7290 · Issue 216208
Made autocomplete field visible for mobile
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
There was a problem with the visibility of the autocomplete field when used for add/remove buttons on mobile. The webkit-transform function was updated for smoother transition.
SR-A6422 · Issue 216542
Made busy icon visible during data upload wait
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
The Busy Indicator was not being displayed during the wait period following the uploading of multiple records at a time from an Excel sheet to a flow action. This caused confusion about whether the process was still running. The issue was caused by poor positioning of the busy icon in a non-visible part of the screen, and the calculations for its location have been updated.
SR-A7868 · Issue 217588
Modified generateformat for use with Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 Compatibility Mode
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
When Compatibility Mode was enabled in Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, navigating away from a decimal field containing a valid numeric value generated an error stating that the number was not a valid decimal value. This was due to the compatibility mode of Microsoft Internet Explorer using a generateformat method which inserted ' ' if the value was empty, and has been fixed by modifying PZGENERATEFORMAT RUF to compensate for this.
SR-A6521 · Issue 216380
Removed correspondence classname case sensitivity
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
An error was generated when trying to save correspondence with value 'lookup classname' in source editor. Designating the value as a className worked as expected. This was caused by the innerHTML being set inside the ckeditor, forcing the attribute names to be small and therefore fail validation. To solve this, the presubmit function has been updated to maintain case and allow the classname to be entered in a case insensitive manner (i.e., even if you enter classname before submit, the classname will be replaced as className) and the file can be checked in.
SR-A3593 · Issue 210962
Removed forced validation for empty strings during switch to Other Actions
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Switching to Other Actions was forcing required fields. To fix this, a check has been added to skip validation for empty strings when switching between flow actions.
SR-A4436 · Issue 213360
Resolved premature validation while tabbing in Microsoft Internet Explorer
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Using the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser on a user portal, the Property Required validation was firing when the operator tabbed into the field. This was caused by an element firing on refocus, and a check has been added to the ui_events file to properly handle the refocus.
SR-133715 · Issue 204978
RTE <br> handling resolved when using pega:when = false
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Inconsistent behavior was seen when using rich text editor in paragraph rule if the pega:when was false. This was an issue with the handling of the
tags under this condition, and has been resolved.
SR-133715 · Issue 209655
RTE <br> handling resolved when using pega:when = false
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Inconsistent behavior was seen when using rich text editor in paragraph rule if the pega:when was false. This was an issue with the handling of the
tags under this condition, and has been resolved.
SR-A6641 · Issue 217267
RTE edits correctly reflected in grids
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
When using the Rich Text Editor (RTE) control for a column in a grid layout, fields continued to show the previous value after attempting to update them. This was an issue with the firing timing of the submit within the grid, and has been corrected.
SR-A7387 · Issue 216214
Run on client working for Repeating layouts
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
In repeating dynamic layouts, the 'Run visibility condition on client' evaluation was not being evaluated. This was found to be a logic issue in the calculation of the base reference, and as been fixed.