SR-A6168 · Issue 217424
Updated encoding for "&" in dropdowns using defer load
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
In case of dropdowns with defer load, options having "&" were being double-encoded and displayed as '&'. The API has been updated to correctly handle the special character.
SR-A6815 · Issue 216299
Updated error message display for local actions
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Validation errors present at the harness level on the screen were being cleared with a click on the actions button. This was due to a page context error, and has been corrected.
SR-A6732 · Issue 215512
Updated event listener for Microsoft Internet Explorer to resolve refresh hang
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
If the out-of-the-box Rich Text Editor had spell check enabled and was configured with an OnChange - Refresh Section, entering text in RTE and doing a spell check changed the focus to outside of the RTE and caused the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser to hang. It was found that a permission denied error was being thrown on the element purge when detaching the event handler of an inaccessible RTE iframe during the section reload. This has been resolved by attaching the event listener using the native addEventListener instead of pega.util.Event.addListener.
SR-A3895 · Issue 211401
Using page passed properly for replace current scenarios of Launch Harness
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
The using page was not passed properly for replace current scenarios of Launch Harness. To correct this, the pzpega_ui_dynamiccontainer.js and pega_desktop_api.js have been updated to pass the correct page context for doUIAction request.
SR-A3571 · Issue 208170
Validation errors made visible for UI-Kit-7:03-01 ruleset
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
In a TabbedScreenFlow7, there are flow action with Validate rules configured. When the validation failed, the screen flow stopped proceeding further but no error was displayed to the user if the harness was picked up from UI-Kit-7:03-01 ruleset. This has been corrected.
SR-A7485 · Issue 216800
Visible When Conditions working for buttons in Harness
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Due to changes in the condition expression formatting, Visible When Conditions were not working as expected for buttons in the harness after upgrade. A check has been added to evaluate the structure and apply the correct visibility expression.
SR-A7679 · Issue 217201
Wrap text working with accessibility
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
When accessibility was turned on, the wrap text was not functioning properly due to the handling of white-space:nowrap in iconRequired class. This has been corrected.
SR-A4005 · Issue 211179
Check added to pass value instead of parameter name from icon control
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
After upgrade, an issue was found with passing a property to an activity from the deprecated icon control: instead of the value of the property, the property name itself was passed to the parameter of the DoAction activity. A check has been added to the generateButton RUF to catch property references and populate the property value at run time instead of the property name as a literal value.
SR-A6169 · Issue 204154
Corrected compilation error when using param.value in Repeat Layout label
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
A compilation issue was encountered when a parameter was used in a repeat section cell due to the paramStrValue being double encoded. This has been resolved by adding a check that will skip the extraneous encoding.
SR-A4720 · Issue 212449
Corrected focus for tabbing Ruleset inclusion data entry
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Data entry for "RuleSets To Include" was behaving unexpectedly when using keyboard-only input: when a value was entered in the "Minimum Version" text field, pressing TAB on the keyboard shifted focus from the next textbox to the top of the sheet due to a row-refresh added for app context. This has been corrected.