SR-A7401 · Issue 219542
Performance tune-ups in DSM
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Strategy Profiler was showing misleading timing information for Switch, Champion Challenger, Exclusion, and Data Join. This has been fixed. In addition, Strategy Set has been optimized to let it evaluate the customer-specific expressions once per component execution (instead of per SR page) , and it will not clone SR pages if it's unnecessary. The Prioritization shape has also been improved to only prioritize the Top N if that?s configured.
SR-A12733 · Issue 227212
Fixed NPE for Tracer
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
It was not possible to execute strategies if the tracer was turned on. This was failing because the tracer was trying to collect the primary page in XML format from a clipboard page that was missing the implementation to generate the XML. This has been corrected.
SR-A13237 · Issue 227844
Fixed NPE for Tracer
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
It was not possible to execute strategies if the tracer was turned on. This was failing because the tracer was trying to collect the primary page in XML format from a clipboard page that was missing the implementation to generate the XML. This has been corrected.
SR-A12341 · Issue 226423
Corrected implementation for DataFlow key non-match
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
If a DataFlow Dataset configured against a Report Definition had a property key name that was not identical to the column name in the database table, the Dataflow failed to execute with error " Incorrect implementation for Report Definition as a data flow source. Property-to-database table column mapping was not applied correctly". The implementation has been fixed to resolve this issue.
SR-A10518 · Issue 220215
Resolved exception for processing blank email body
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Processing was failing when the body of an email message was blank. In addition, the auto-reply header was being processed unnecessarily. Changes have been made to to handle these scenarios.
SR-A7508 · Issue 218320
Resolved Connect REST Accelerator JSON response error
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
When there was a property present in the @baseclass and the JSON object to create the data model has the JSON key, an exception was thrown due to mode conflict created when the Rest response contained properties which were already present in @baseclass. This has been resolved by modifying the code to rename the property if it already exists, and additional updates were made to the ServiceHelper class to improve JSON performance.
SR-A9136 · Issue 221836
Added loop avoidance when Service SOAP wizard encounters parent class with sub-pages
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
The Service SOAP wizard was presenting properties as Input Parameters that appeared to have a repeating reference not actually present in the Data Class specified to process. The initial reported issue showed the wizard presenting Input Parameters such as "RequestPage1.RequestPage1.RequestPage1.RequestPage1.RequestPage1.RequestPage1.RequestPage1.RequestPage1...." increasing in length on each line. This was caused by a loop created while creating the service from the Service Wizard and specifying a class name which has siblings and a parent class containing pages of the child class. To avoid this, the system will break the loop if the parent contains the page property of the child class.
SR-A9959 · Issue 220317
Removed screen capture control authentication requirement from portal launch
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
A portal containing references to the UserOCXReferences html fragment was trying to install all of the cab files included in the portal when launched, requiring admin credentials to proceed further. Per design, the referred cab is not required in the portal and is required only in the documentation wizard to provide screen shots. It has now been removed from the UserOCXReferences rule.
SR-A8595 · Issue 218942
Security updated for SAML Rule keystores
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Password encryption has been updated for the Keystores records used by SAML Rule forms for signing and decryption in the auth service rule data.
SR-A10162 · Issue 220915
Data-Admin-Security-Keystore caching added
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
Previously, the query to pr_data_admin would retrieve and read DATA-ADMIN-SECURITY-KEYSTORE on each connect-soap call. In order to improve scalability and performance, the data instances of type keystore will be cached as part of the rule instance cache.