SR-A11172 · Issue 222988
RuleSet Pagination fixed in DS
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
When first launching the ruleset stack landing page in Designer Studio, the second page of the paginated list was not accessible. If either the "next" link or the "2" link were clicked, the page did not respond (and no network activity was shown in the browser's network tab). Clicking on any other page link worked as expected, and refreshing the browser (or not expanding a ruleset item in the list) caused the second page to be accessible. The problem was due to the handling of password fields in the call to getQueryString, and has been updated to correct this.
SR-A8647 · Issue 218523
Handling added for grids sourced with data pages
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
If a grid layout was used to show a user worklist and the source of the grid layout was a Data page populated from a Report Definition, the result had a join that resulted in a page list having embedded pages of the joined class. This was due to the Page and Classes not being defined properly, and better handling has been added.
SR-A12741 · Issue 224081
Fixed Live UI right panel display in developer tool
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
When using F12 (Developer tool) in Microsoft Internet Explorer and changing the browser mode, the browser would refresh and load in the desired mode but the Live UI right panel was then displayed at the bottom of the screen. This has been corrected.
SR-A6582 · Issue 215893
Fixed drag and drop pagination shrink
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
When a case was dragged and dropped to "Manual assessment", the space between pagination buttons (1 2 3?) displayed in the Dashboard would shrink. This was traced to whitespace in pzGridActivePage that was responsible for shifting the display after user action, and has been fixed.
SR-A10450 · Issue 220293
Handling added for referring to a section via property reference in dynamic repeating layout
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
It was not possible to open a section in dynamic repeating layout if a section used a property reference as a property value. This was an issue with missing configuration handling, and has been fixed.
SR-A9324 · Issue 222377
Check added for post value check boxes and radio buttons
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
When post value was configured on text field, adding check box and radio buttons caused the text field to disappear. A context page parameter check has been added to correct this issue.
SR-A7616 · Issue 217425
Option added to change CKEditor default fonts to pts vs pxs
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
The RTE Font control was hard-coded to a font-size value given in pixels instead of points. This caused confusion when mail composed in CKEditor (which uses pixels) was displayed in Outlook (which uses points). To better handle these differences, an extension point has been provided to allow overriding CKEDITOR.config.fontSize_sizes in UserWorkForm.CKEditor to set font sizes from px to pt as desired.
SR-A8800 · Issue 220963
Corrected header collapse/expand on clicking menu navigation
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
If a section include had the "Display header title" checkbox selected and then included a button on the title with an Onclick event to open the Menu with navigation, clicking on the button opened the Menu with options as expected, but clicking on any option would expand or collapse the header. This has bene corrected.
SR-A10406 · Issue 223580
Check added for page context when dropdown used in nested repeating grids
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
A Dropdown placed in nested repeating grids with the event request onclick action "Post value" disappeared from the DOM on select of an option. This was due to an incorrect page parameter, and a check has been added to send the correct contextPage.
SR-A9326 · Issue 220214
JAWS reads non-truncated workbasket name
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
In the dashboards, workbaskets with long names have the truncated text shown on the screen as "...". JAWS was reading this as dot dot dot instead of the entire text, which was not expected behavior. This has been corrected by the adding role and aria-label to the span containing the description, and the value of the aria-label will be retrieved from another attribute containing the complete workbasket name.