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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D41984 · Issue 510012

Added handling to correct '&' displayed as '&amp,' in custom tab name

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

When using a data transform and custom properties to set the tab title, clicking on a link containing "&" in the label opened a tab name which included "&amp," instead of "&". This has been resolved by modifying the handleGadgetLoad method in the pzpega_ui_dynamiccontainer file to handle the Cross Scripting FIlter and display the character.

SR-D42583 · Issue 514486

Label of a field is correctly rendered when a section is re-used with a visiblity condition

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

The label of a field was not being rendered/visible when a section with a 'visible when' condition was re-used in different Page Contexts. The label was displayed correctly if 'Run visibility condition on client' was checked. As part of performance improvements made in a previous version, label generation was moved under the dlcellvisibility flag. Because of this, if a section was re-used at multiple places with different contexts and one place had visibility false and another had visibility true, the labels were not getting generated for the visible section. To resolve this, Label Generation has been moved out of dlcellVisibility to ensure label metadata will always be generated. Updated performance improvements have been made instead by way of a DSS setting (generateCellMetadata) so that when generateCellMetadata is true, the label generation will honor dlcellvisibility to generate the label metadata.

SR-D42701 · Issue 510922

Cross-site scripting security added for Case Manager

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

Cross-site scripting security has been added to the Document features in the Case Manager portal.

SR-D43141 · Issue 512434

Support added for iFrame Mashup resize when using SPA

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

After upgrade, issues were seen with an iFrame holding a Mashup not resizing as expected. This was traced to the use of an SPA portal inside mashup, and has been resolved by explicitly invoking the doharnessResize API to set proper height on iframe when using SPA.

SR-D43468 · Issue 511643

Includes() function changed for Microsoft Internet Explorer compatiblity

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

The complete screen was not loading due to "includes()" not being supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer, resulting in a console error and the flow breaking. To resolve this, ".includes()" has been changed to indeOf.

SR-D43627 · Issue 509800

Keyboard tab support added added for Focus on Date control

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

It was not possible to use the Tab key to move to a section with date control to launch it, and hitting enter when on a calendar did not open it. To resolve these, tabindex has been added for date/time focus and the calendar will open on enter.

SR-D44546 · Issue 512599

Corrected opening collapsible rows with modal action inside a nested pane grid

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

After expanding the second level of a collapsible row in a table and then collapsing the row back down again, trying to expand other rows in the table did not work and the error "Unable to get property 'target' of undefined or null reference" appeared on the console. This was an issue with a modal action configured inside a nested pane grid that was attempting to call a target key on an undefined object, and has been resolved by explicitly checking for the existence of the 'event' object before calling the 'target' key on it.

SR-D45360 · Issue 510099

Support added for non-decimal currency notation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

Previously in the pxCurrency control, the options allowed either specifying Decimal places (2 by default) or using the locale to decide decimal places when "Use currency standard" was selected (creating the default for 2 for en_US, 0 for jp_JP and 3 for ar_JO.) However, this did not account for currencies like JPY, TWD, and HUF, which do not use decimal precision. In order to support these currencies, handling has been added to formatNumaber js and pxFormatNumber for locales which do not have decimal precision in their currency.

SR-D45527 · Issue 512325

Corrected comma in chat appearing as ',null,'

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

When a comma was sent in chat, it appeared as ",null,". For example, " I am applying the loan now,null, thanks ". Investigation showed that this was caused by Pega code that was overriding a JSON parse native API, and it has been resolved by removing the override and handling the Pega parse via a different API.

SR-D45828 · Issue 518020

Added variable null check to resolve refresh condition on dynamic layout not working

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

Given a setup where a parent section had several section includes, one of which had a property that was set to refresh and disable another section when the property changed, on change the refresh action was not working and hence the disabling did not work. Refreshing the browser corrected the behavior. Javascript errors were noted on the console. This has been resolved by adding a null check on the variable to avoid exceptions.

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