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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D76826 · Issue 543095

Corrected SmartInfo header text overlap with close icon

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

SmartInfo header text was not consistent in being wrapped to the next line, and when it did not wrap it was overlapping with the close icon. This was traced to the method used for applying the inline style to SmartInfo's header div by getting the body div's offsetWidth. In working scenarios, the body div's width has fractional portion (ex. 368.188px) and offsetWidth returns a rounded number like 368px in this case. This resulted in the header content not fitting in single line because it exceeded the space it was given, and wrapping resulted. In the non-working scenario, the body div's width did not have a fractional portion and therefore matched offsetWidth, meaning the header content fit to single line and overlapped the close icon. To resolve this, SmartInfo Header Div has been updated to be always be slightly less than the SmartInfo Body div.

SR-D78019 · Issue 541193

Thread Cleanup error resolved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

After upgrade, intermittent exception errors were being generated by the FreeClipboard activity when switching between applications. This was traced to specific use-case issues with Thread Cleanup, and has been resolved.

SR-D80223 · Issue 542922

Cross-site scripting filtering for ActionStringID

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

Cross-site scripting filter logic has been added to the ActionStringID function.

SR-D80462 · Issue 542512

SmartInfo styling retained

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

After configuring some text in the paragraph rule for Smart Info, Header text and Dismiss on Mouse Out check box configurations were not retained when the configuration was reopened. This has been corrected.

SR-D81779 · Issue 543856

Logic added to prevent refresh on enter when no action is configured

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

After configuring a text input followed by an icon with display SmartInfo for click action, switching focus to the text input again after displaying the SmartInfo and hitting enter invoked the refresh harness even though no action was configured for the text input. This has been resolved by updating 'pzpega_ui_events.js' -> keyDownHandler() with logic to call preventDefault() based on certain conditions.

SR-D82298 · Issue 544631

Corrected error when using CharCounter in non-template mode

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

An error message was generated when trying to save a section with the TextArea's Display CharCounter set to True. This was traced to an error in the remaining character count span generation for non template mode and has been corrected.

SR-D17825 · Issue 494700

PreSaveAs updated to set the correct ruleset value when saved into a different ruleset

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

When using a BIX Extract rule already configured with properties and filter criteria, attempting to update the filter criteria system resulted in an "invalid property error" and inability to save the updated rule. This was traced to the extract rule being created from another extract rule with 'save as', resulting in the new extract existing in a different ruleset. Because the pxBixReportPage.pyRuleset had the value of the original ruleset instead of rule set in which it had been saved, the system was attempting to find the filter properties in the original ruleset. To resolve this, the Presaveas activity in rule-admin-extract has been modified to check and set the correct value when both the rulesets are not equal.

SR-D22415 · Issue 493439

Enhancement added to expose BrowserAttachmentTypeTable

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

By default, the inline view of PDF files appears with the thread name visible. An enhancement has been made to expose pzBrowserAttachmentTypeTable as a py rule: when the DT is overridden such that return is false for PDF, the inline view is not displayed but instead the PDF is downloaded when clicked.

SR-D23723 · Issue 503087

pxGenerateExcelFile updated for handling blank dates

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

When using a custom template for exporting to Excel, blank DateTime property column values defaulted to the current date. To resolve this, the pxGenerateExcelFile activity has been updated to ensure that an empty date will be exported as blank and that given dates will appear in the correct datetime format.

SR-D26589 · Issue 496719

pxParseExcelFile activity will now parse multiple sheets

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

When trying to use the activity pxParseExcelFile on an Excel file containing three sheets where each sheet had a different pagelist, the properties mentioned in sheet 1 were populated on upload but the remaining sheets only showed the error message "Could not get clipboard property for reference Work Queues.". This was caused by an error in Row index handling for the additional sheets, and has been resolved by updating the logic to populate the data in the clipboard. Additional issues for this issue in 8.4 to fix issues like formulae not getting evaluated and $ not parsed: 501592, 501383

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