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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D45360 · Issue 510098

Support added for non-decimal currency notation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

Previously in the pxCurrency control, the options allowed either specifying Decimal places (2 by default) or using the locale to decide decimal places when "Use currency standard" was selected (creating the default for 2 for en_US, 0 for jp_JP and 3 for ar_JO.) However, this did not account for currencies like JPY, TWD, and HUF, which do not use decimal precision. In order to support these currencies, handling has been added to formatNumaber js and pxFormatNumber for locales which do not have decimal precision in their currency.

SR-D40055 · Issue 507420

Work List loads as expected in IE

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After upgrade, the Work List was not loading in IE. This was an unintended side effect of work done to handle resizing the Recents list when another tab was open, and that change has been reverted to resolve this issue.

SR-D36176 · Issue 508405

Work List loads as expected in IE

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After upgrade, the Work List was not loading in IE. This was an unintended side effect of work done to handle resizing the Recents list when another tab was open, and that change has been reverted to resolve this issue.

SR-D38729 · Issue 507030

Included section with defer load loads in modal flow

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

An included section in a dynamic layout with 'defer load content' enabled was not loading in a modal window when it included a table sourced from Data Page which in turn called a Connect Soap to load the data. When the modal window was launched, it indicated it was loading text but did not actually load any data. When 'defer load' was unchecked, the data loaded as expected. In addition, the tab groups in the modal screen flow were not displayed. The same tab group did show when opened through a separate flow. This was traced to the data-harness-id not getting added to the flow in the modal case, and has been resolved by adding data-harness-id to the preRenderer in modalOverlay to handle modal flows.

SR-D15910 · Issue 491007

AM/PM time setting corrected for Riyadh timezone

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

When logged into the Pega mobile application with operator locale as ar_AR and timezone as Asia/Riyadh, selecting time as PM resulted in it being set to AM with Native control. If the native control was unchecked, a blank screen resulted. This has been corrected.

SR-D26784 · Issue 507134

Check added to ensure client side validation checkbox is honored in Case Worker portal

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

When the "Enable client side validation" checkbox on the Perform harness was unchecked, the validation was still firing when using a tab out on the Case Worker portal. The validation did not fire on tab out in the Case Manager portal, and both portals worked as expected on Submit. This was traced to the validation being fired without checking the value of the bClientValidation property. To resolve this, a check has been added to ensure the validation is fired only when it is set to true.

SR-D32655 · Issue 510343

Enhancement added to hold Change Tracker values until UI is loaded

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

Sporadically, an agent attempting to answer a queued call within 10 seconds received a loading screen. By the time the load completed, the next agent had already taken the call. This is a scenario where based on a change, the agent was trying to refresh something on the UI (a section or harness) which was not yet loaded/present on the UI. To address this use case, an enhancement has been added to hold the change tracked values and handle them once the UI is loaded. The new function pega.ui.ChangeTracker.prototype.handlePendingCTChanges in pzpega_ui_changetracker.js is used to handle the pending CT changes. A hook has been added in the pzpega_ui_doc_lifecycle js file to invoke the above function once the UI is loaded.

SR-D35266 · Issue 509480

Check added to postOpenAssignment to support Ajax Container use

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After configuring an 'OpenAssignment' action on a begin button and giving the target as 'Dynamic Container', it worked as expected to open the assignment in a new tab on the Platform, but did not work from the Customer Service interaction portal. This was traced to the Customer Service portal using MicroDC to display the cases in the work area, which was not within the scope of the Ajax Container. Additional checks have now been added to the postOpenAssignment function to support this use.

SR-D35268 · Issue 506684

Max results limit increased for open-rule-advanced query

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

An issue with the results list of a class instance query being clipped in the autocomplete drop down was traced to an old limit that was put on to restrict the number of results shown in open-rule-advanced. This limit has now been increased in the open-rule-advanced control.

SR-D40762 · Issue 510368

ReloadSection passes event object explicitly

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After upgrade, 'replace current-model' was not working when used in a section with a link control that had an onClick event that was intended to launch a local action. Investigation showed that the link control was not working in the latest Google Chrome version, and this has been corrected by passing the event object explicitly to the reloadSection function in PZPEGA_UI_DOC_SUBMIT.js

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