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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D48960 · Issue 517878

Exception stack trace will be included as comments in generated assembly code

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When there is an exception during assembly time, that original exception message is assembled in the generated code. To improve the process of finding the the root cause by examining the original exception stack, the system has been updated to insert the original exception stack trace into the generated code as comments.

SR-D50016 · Issue 515902

Exception stack trace will be included as comments in generated assembly code

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When there is an exception during assembly time, that original exception message is assembled in the generated code. To improve the process of finding the the root cause by examining the original exception stack, the system has been updated to insert the original exception stack trace into the generated code as comments.

SR-D51725 · Issue 516466

DSS added to rpevent logging of sensitive data used as input during async batch task processing

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When running Async Batch Task Processing, the whole set of inputs was logged when an error occurred during ADP load. Because this might result in sensitive data such as SSN, DOB, IDs, etc, being included in the debugging output, a DSS has now been added which when set will avoid printing any sensitive information in the log.

SR-D53253 · Issue 515307

Versioning information removed from Universal SMA

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

To clarify that Universal SMA is compatible with Pega 7.4 and all below versions, the repository name has been changed to remove the versioning number so it is listed as only "Universal SMA".

SR-D53674 · Issue 515624

Stack traces will be logged if debug is enabled

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

The error logging in com.pega.pegarules.exec.internal.declare.DeclareChangesHelperImpl#onSave was causing an issue with upgrades in MT environments due to excessive logs being thrown from the onSave method in DeclareChangesHelperImpl. These errors are logged when there is a database exception during System declare changes generation during onSave, and in a multiple tenant environment it resulted in Out of Memory exceptions because of logging stack traces. To resolve this, the system has been updated so that stack traces will only be logged when debug logs are enabled.

SR-D54314 · Issue 517289

Enhancements added for using AWS file repositories

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Enhancements have been added to improve the use of AWS file storage: Logging for AWS SDK connection metrics can be activated on a per-repository basis, either through the ruleform or through the DSS storage/class/:/enableMetrics. INFO logging can be enabled on PegaAWSSDKMetricReporter to periodically output averages of recorded metrics for all registered S3 repositories with metric collection enabled, or INFO logging can be enabled on PegaAWSRequestMetricCollector to output recorded metrics on every client call for all registered S3 repositories with metric collection enabled. The interval at which PegaAWSSDKMetricReporter logs metrics at can be configured with the DASS storage/AWSSDK/metricReportingInterval. This DASS is a system-wide setting, and not a per-repository setting. The default reporting interval is 90 seconds, and metric collection is disabled on all repositories by default.

SR-D55161 · Issue 527650

getStoreDataTable updated to resolve thread lock issues

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

An IlegalMonitorStateException in TableInformationMapImpl.getDataStoreTableInfo caused a read lock to not be released, preventing other threads from acquiring a ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock on the same ReentrantReadWriteLock. This eventually lead to a Deadlock scenario forcing other threads into an irrecoverable WAITING state. The issue could be cleared by restarting the nodes, but the implementation of the getDataStoreTableInfo method has been updated to resolve this issue.

SR-D56293 · Issue 536775

Resolved timeout errors related to getIndexInfo

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When attempting to import large files (around 300MB) via Designer Studio a time out error was seen, but the same upload worked as expected from the command line. Investigation showed that the "approximate" argument in getIndexInfo caused wasteful analytic operations to be run on the database, hampering performance. To resolve this, areas where the results of the analysis are not needed have been modified to have aApproximate set to be true so it will not be run.

SR-D56347 · Issue 523274

Pega unit for case type records user inputs

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When creating a Pega unit for the case type by selecting Actions -> Record test case for Case, the user inputs were not recorded for embedded page properties. This has been corrected.

SR-D56452 · Issue 521769

Auto populate properties will fetch data from descendant classes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

A page list property set to be populated by the "Copy data from a data page" or "Refer to a data page" option had a blank property value. The warning "Copy from declare page of incompatible class: Code-Pega-List" appeared. Investigation showed that the failure was caused by the embedded class of the auto-populate being different from the data page's dynamic class. This was due to the data in the data page being sourced from Report Definition; that fetches data from its descendant classes, causing the class of the data page to be dependent on the report definition configuration. To resolve this, the system has been updated so that Auto Populate properties will allow fetching data from descendant classes.

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