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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D63774 · Issue 540505

Resolved .PDF extension preview issue

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Previewing a PDF that had the extension capitalized as ".PDF" did not load, but one with the extension ".pdf" worked. This has been corrected by modifying pxUploadFile and pzUploadFileToADocument to convert the filetype extension to lowercase to prevent possible preview problems.

SR-D63912 · Issue 531203

Context retained during nested automation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Issues were seen with context being passed correctly with automation. When a Data Page that was used to abstract the call to a REST API used a Data Transform which in turn used a Data Page which also used a call to a REST API to retrieve an OAuth Token, an error appeared. The same worked when a URL was provided on the Connect REST. When a service case was launched but a Flow Action wasn't submitted, then another service case was added and submitted, the post-processing robotic automation activity used the run robotic automation activity from the previous service case instead of the current service case targeted for completion. This has been resolved by updating the webwb • pzpega_ui_doc_submit.js file to pass the correct MDIContext based on the event target of FA submission while invoking RDA automation.

SR-D63993 · Issue 524302

Resolved auto-addition of UpdateDateTime filter to BIX history extract

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When creating a BIX extract rule on history classes, trying to save the rule resulted in the invalid filter error "pxBIXReportPage—Cannot use a unexposed property". Analysis showed the pxUpdateDateTime column, which is the default filter on creating a new extract, was added automatically even though history classes do not have a pxUpdateDatetime column. While there was a workaround of manually removing the pxUpdateDateTime column filter when creating the extract rule for the first time, this has been resolved.

SR-D64083 · Issue 542885

Compilation logic error corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

A compilation failure on upgraded systems using the JDK 11 compilation of libraries that include Pega 7 functions that have INCLUDE statements that are not supported in JDK 11 was traced to a logic error added when enhancing debug logging. This has been corrected.

SR-D64197 · Issue 536588

Handling added for passivated file upload and attach

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When storage type repository was configured and any file type other than image was uploaded while pyIsStreamBasedUpload was set as true, uploading a file and keeping it idle for 15 minutes before clicking on attach caused pyattachInputStream to become null on the DragDropFileUpload pagelist. This caused an activityterminateException in tracer and the assignment was not submitted. This exception was due to a check in attachFile activity that calls terminateactivity when streambasedupload is true and attachinputstream is null. To resolve this, a validation rule has been added to check if the page exists, streambasedupload is true, and pyattachinputstream is null or has a value. If it is NULL, a message will be displayed about reattaching the file(s).

SR-D64558 · Issue 527675

AttachmentContent supports S3 storage

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Using a D_AttachmentContent data page to display the contents of an attachment by way of the pyGetAttachmentContent activity worked when using the Pega database for storage, but generated an error stating CMIS access was disabled after switching to S3 storage. This was traced to restrictions on Link-Attachment pages in Step 2, Line 64 of pyGetAttachmentContent to enable attachment stream retrieval from web storage and repositories by D_AttachmentContent, which has now been removed. In addition, pyGetAttachmentContent has been updated to behave the same whether a Link-Attachment page or Data-WorkAttach page is provided when populateAttachStream is set to false, and the rule documentation (description/usage) has been updated accordingly.

SR-D64729 · Issue 524986

DSS added to circumvent corrupted BLOB during deserialization

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

A corrupted BLOB was preventing work items from opening. To assist in this scenario, a DSS has been added to allow the conditional bypassing of BLOB properties. Pega-Engine propertiesToIgnoreDuringBlobDeserialization will accept a space-separated list of properties for which to errors will be ignored during BLOB deserialization. Pega-Engine dumpBlobOnDeserializationException should be set to “true”/”false” based on whether or not to print the entire BLOB to the console if there is an exception. Note: This may output sensitive data to the logs.

SR-D65112 · Issue 541146

Added support for imported rules to populate bixreportpage

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Extract rules were not holding the filter criteria after upgrade while performing save-as (for the first time) of the imported rules from the previous version. Criteria were held when the filters were created in the new version. This was caused by BIX extracts created in earlier releases (7.x) not having bixreportpage included. When an environment was upgraded to 8.x versions, opening an extract required the bixreportpage to be populated with Report Definition metadata including the filters defined in the actual extract. Although the filters from the original extract were converted to filters that are acceptable by ReportDefinition, they were not being added to bixreportpage on opening the extract. To resolve this, the system has been updated to copy the filters back to bixreportpage on opening the extract in the upgraded environment.

SR-D65362 · Issue 526931

Enhancements added for using AWS file repositories

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Enhancements have been added to improve the use of AWS file storage: Logging for AWS SDK connection metrics can be activated on a per-repository basis, either through the ruleform or through the DSS storage/class/:/enableMetrics. INFO logging can be enabled on PegaAWSSDKMetricReporter to periodically output averages of recorded metrics for all registered S3 repositories with metric collection enabled, or INFO logging can be enabled on PegaAWSRequestMetricCollector to output recorded metrics on every client call for all registered S3 repositories with metric collection enabled. The interval at which PegaAWSSDKMetricReporter logs metrics at can be configured with the DASS storage/AWSSDK/metricReportingInterval. This DASS is a system-wide setting, and not a per-repository setting. The default reporting interval is 90 seconds, and metric collection is disabled on all repositories by default.

SR-D66615 · Issue 536240

API added to minimize calls to set parameters in datapage

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

Differences were seen after upgrade when using a datapage associated with a property which was application-specific and that had Data Access for the property defined as “Copy data from a data page" with parameters whose value was set by an activity from the associated property of type single page. Prior to upgrade, only one call was seen to set the values for the parameters in datapage, but post-upgrade multiple calls were used to set the values to these parameters. This was traced to logic used for extraction and invoking the perform, and has been resolved by adding the new API 'DeclarativeAction.shouldExtractWatchedProperties'. It will return true or false, depending whether the extraction of watch properties is needed or not.

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