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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D47618 · Issue 512601

Statistic rounding error in ADMSnapshot Agent with Oracle corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

While running the ADMSnapshot Agent, the exception "internal.mgmt.Executable) ERROR com.pega.decision.adm.client.ADMException: Failed to complete ADM Data Mart snapshot" was seen. This was traced to an issue with the rounding of performance statistics when using Oracle, and has been resolved.

SR-D48010 · Issue 514982

Unit testing validation relaxed for external input strategy

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When trying to test a strategy, the testing transform had to exist in the same ruleset/version as the strategy or it would not resolve. Investigation showed that because the artifacts were in a different ruleset and version build on top of the application that the testing strategy belongs to, validation failed because it was using the platform based ruleset validation. This was a missed use case, and has been resolved by relaxing the validation for external input strategy so it does not take into account the ruleset and version of it. This same change has been applied for referenced data transforms.

SR-D51017 · Issue 517180

Expanded date format handling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

The xx in the xx:yy time format was incorrectly detected as a year. To correct this, support has been added for the use case of the date followed by time.

SR-D51353 · Issue 516912

Unit testing validation relaxed for external input strategy

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When trying to test a strategy, the testing transform had to exist in the same ruleset/version as the strategy or it would not resolve. Investigation showed that because the artifacts were in a different ruleset and version build on top of the application that the testing strategy belongs to, validation failed because it was using the platform based ruleset validation. This was a missed use case, and has been resolved by relaxing the validation for external input strategy so it does not take into account the ruleset and version of it. This same change has been applied for referenced data transforms.

SR-D52051 · Issue 515375

Corrected EditElement disappearing after DDR import

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

After importing a DDR to a 'treatment', the section disappeared. Because the treatment decision data rules are created in the top level SR class, when the treatments are exported from these rules, the pyIssue and the pyGroup classes are empty in the exported CSV. When new treatments were added or existing treatment are modified in the CSV and imported, the pxObjClass for the treatments was set to Data-pxStrategyResult as the pyIssue and pyGroup were empty in the imported CSV. To correct this, pySelectedClass will be set to the propositions instead of pxPage.pxObjClass while importing.

SR-D52723 · Issue 516090

Data join conditions representation updated to avoid overwrite

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

After upgrade, a Data join component on the Strategies was not working as expected, especially the ones using the DateTime function. If the data join conditions were swapped, i.e the DateTime function was not the last criteria, the strategy outputs were correct.Investigation showed that the implementation used a map to represent pairs of left and right expressions which caused conditions rows with the same leftExpr to end up overwriting one another. This has been corrected by fixing the representation of conditions of a Data Join to a list of tuples which eliminates the possibility of one condition overwriting a previous one.

SR-D53223 · Issue 516916

Predictor handling updated for Versioning Adaptive Model

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When attempting to update an adaptive model in a branch after it had been versioned, errors were observed on Predictor Type data that had not changed from the previous version. This was traced to an issue in the Adaptive Model rule UI in both Prediction and Dev Studio where if a non-default predictor type is selected, it would show in the UI but not be saved to the database. No error was shown. This silently led to the unexpected and incorrect data being stored with the result that once data had accrued, the rule could not be saved/saved-as due to validation believing the predictor type of a predictor with data was changing. To resolve this, rules have been updated so that the system will no longer override the predictor type of a predictor being edited when it is solely the predictor type that is changing.

SR-D53225 · Issue 516316

Rule creation logic updated to include creation branch

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

When trying to create a new adaptive model rule in Prediction Studio, the “Create” button was not activating. The adaptive model rule was being saved in a branch ruleset, and investigation indicated that the deactivated button could be traced to the lack of an open ruleset version available even though the intention was to create it on a branch. This has been resolved by modifying the rule creation logic to incorporate the branch for creation.

SR-D54218 · Issue 518598

Deadlock in static Initialization of IntList resolved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

JVM Deadlock was seen related to the static Initialization of a subclass field in class com.pega.decision.strategy.ssa.runtime.collections.api.IntList . Thread dumps showed threads in RUNNABLE State that were parked to wait for class initialization, and this was traced to a missed sonar alert which failed in multi-threading. To resolve this, the system handling has been updated to prevent potential deadlock.

SR-D54430 · Issue 518290

Updated VDB Statistics rendering to compensate for Google Chrome changes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.2

The Statistics overlay was not rendering for VBD planner in Google Chrome. Investigation showed that the Google Chrome browser (v.77) was misfiring one of the mouse events due to changes in the browser, and the handling has been updated to resolve this issue.

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