INC-220363 · Issue 720120
Additional page sizes available for PDF generation
Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5
Support has been added for using page sizes in PDF generation which are supported by the v4 pd4ml jar including A0-A10.
INC-220363 · Issue 720118
Additional page sizes available for PDF generation
Resolved in Pega Version 8.8
Support has been added for using page sizes in PDF generation which are supported by the v4 pd4ml jar including A0-A10.
SR-120525 · Issue 186509
Added handling for special characters in PDF Eforms
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
PRPC uses a third-party library 'iText' to read and write PDF 'Eform' documents. It was found in some cases that if the input document contains fields ("Acrofields") that contain special characters (in particular the '#' hash/pound symbol) and/or accented characters, then the iText library would throw an error. To eliminate this, a check of the Field Name has been added to ensure it has a value before doing anything with it. If it is empty, that will be logged. As a workaround, it was found that by editing the input PDF file (using an appropriate third-party editor/generator) and ensuring that no field names ("Acrofields") contained special characters or accented characters, the iText library (and then subsequently the PRPC activity "GenerateEform") was able to process the input file and correctly produce the 'filled-in' output PDF 'EForm'.
SR-A3789 · Issue 212055
Corrected Chinese font PDF margin errors
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2
PDFs generated using Chinese fonts had margin errors that truncated content. To correct this, the htmlWidth will be handled as a parameter and not a fixed value.
SR-B960 · Issue 271764
PDF "Display Report Filter" check honored
Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2
The filter layout was visible in a generated PDF despite "Display Report Filter" being unchecked. This was the fault of a missed visibility condition in pzDisplayReportSectionForPDF, which has now been added.
SR-B33991 · Issue 292845
Corrected ability to hide filters for Export to PDF
Resolved in Pega Version 7.3
The "Display report filters" check-box was not being honored on export to PDF, causing the filters to always be shown. This has been corrected with an added visibility condition to show or hide a filter section based on the value of .pyDisplayReportHeader, and a check has been added in "RRBodyDiv" HTML rule to show header only when pyDisplayReportHeader is true.
SR-B91127 · Issue 340063
Fixed missing records in exported PDF report
Resolved in Pega Version 7.4
A report record which contained double-quotes (") was not displayed in an exported PDF if it was part of a Summary type report definition. In this case, when the drill down was enabled the ddpath attribute was generated in the markup; because the value contained "" double quotes, the markup became corrupted. To fix this, RRDATASUMMARYSPREADSHEETGENERATION now contains code to disable the drill down while doing the export to PDF.
INC-159506 · Issue 635902
Corrected column alignment for Report Definition exported to PDF
Resolved in Pega Version 8.6
Aggregated columns such as count were not properly aligned in the PDF when a report definition was exported. This has been resolved by adding right justification styles in pyReport_ExportToPdfStyles.css. With this change, the PDF will look similar to the report definition displayed in the UI.
INC-159506 · Issue 635903
Corrected column alignment for Report Definition exported to PDF
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4
Aggregated columns such as count were not properly aligned in the PDF when a report definition was exported. This has been resolved by adding right justification styles in pyReport_ExportToPdfStyles.css. With this change, the PDF will look similar to the report definition displayed in the UI.
SR-129733 · Issue 199324
Enabled word wrap for RD export to PDF
Resolved in Pega Version 7.1.8
After export to PDF from RD, values were getting truncated or being displayed under the column and the column alignment was disrupted. Word wrap has been enabled to fix this display issue.