INC-129275 · Issue 577016
Resolved errors when refreshing test case
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.1
On refreshing any test case for decision tables, a "rule no longer exists" error appeared on screen and a pzRuleNotFound exception was generated for all testcases in tracer. This was traced to Rule-Utility-Function lookup parameter handling in the pzGetFreshLabelForRUT decision table: because the Rule-Utility-Function was not able to fetch the label and the caller step in an activity, it was ending with a fail status and generating the errors. This has been resolved by correcting the Rule-Utility-Function calls in the decision table pzGetFreshLabelForRUT to ensure it has the correct parameters.
INC-135266 · Issue 584590
Cross-site scripting protections updated
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.1
Cross-site scripting filtering has been added to IDs related to login.
INC-134618 · Issue 582776
Corrected logic for deep pagelists on mobile
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.1
After completing a workorder in the mobile app, the synchronization failed intermittently with the error "fail: pyWorkPage - Validation failed: Errors Detected. Finish Assignment action failed as pyWorkPage has messages: Validation failed: Errors Detected. ... The page contains an undefined property: .pxUniqueElementID". This was traced to incorrect logic for handling deep pagelists, and has been resolved.
INC-131961 · Issue 571700
Mobile app correctly determines online status after sleep
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.1
After not using the mobile device for some hours, the app was not recognizing that the device had become online again and continued to show the red 'offline' bar. Restoring network connectivity required logging off and relogging into the network. This was traced to a bug in Android webview which causes window.navigator.onLine to return as false after wakeup despite the connection being present. To resolve this, version 8.5.103 of PIMC (Pega Infinity Mobile Client) contains new native mechanisms which are exposed to the webview as plugins and that work completely independent of webview.
INC-130727 · Issue 573340
Resolved mobile app java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.1
After working with the mobile app for a period, logging in failed and the app crashed with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError exceptions. This was traced to each sync adding a new version of allow-list datapages to the client store which were not cleared, and has been resolved.
INC-135159 · Issue 580675
Logic updated for deepMergeObj API
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.1
Issues with the embedded page values being removed when navigating from a flow action and inconsistent localization of labels and captions in a mobile app were traced to the deepMergeObj API; the logic for the API has been revised to ensure the pxObjClass property is not removed from embedded pages during the doSave function.
INC-131991 · Issue 583041
Logic updated for deepMergeObj API
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.1
Issues with the embedded page values being removed when navigating from a flow action and inconsistent localization of labels and captions in a mobile app were traced to the deepMergeObj API; the logic for the API has been revised to ensure the pxObjClass property is not removed from embedded pages during the doSave function.
INC-137352 · Issue 583664
Mobile app improvements for poor connectivity conditions
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.1
When the mobile app was used in areas with poor data network connectivity, the screen was freezing or a number of sync errors were seen. Improvements have been made in the processing and wait conditions to smooth the functions when connectivity is intermittent.
SR-D85563 · Issue 551684
Dependencies of module.xml documentation update
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.1
Documentation has been updated to include specifics about adding a dependency in Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.0., under dependencies of module.xml.
SR-D88570 · Issue 550104
Cleanup script topic moved to Post-Upgrade steps in deployment documentation
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.1
The deployment guides have been updated to indicate that the cleanup script should only be run after the upgrade has been completed, as well as clarifying that this is only required if the clean up scripts have never been run previously.