About Collection rules
Use a collection to model business logic and implement common rule engine patterns. Collections define an ordered sequence of rules, the conditions under which they execute, and postprocessing steps known as response actions. The business-friendly options on this form help you to quickly develop flexible solutions that are easily understood by various audiences.
The following tabs are available on this form:
Where referenced
Collections can be called by a Collect instruction in an activity or a step in another collection rule. Collections can also be associated with specifications.
Use the Application Explorer to access collections that apply to a specific class in your application. Use the Records Explorer to list all collections available to you.
Enable the Declare Collections setting to view collections output in a Tracer session.
You can view the generated Java code of a rule by clicking
. You can use this code to debug your application or to examine how rules are implemented.Category
Collection rules are instances of the Rule-Declare-Collection class. They are part of the Decision category.
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