Connect SQL form - Completing the Delete tab
Connect SQL form – Completing the Delete tab
As a best practice, include only one SQL statement on this tab. If your situation requires multiple statements, place one statement each in separate Connect SQL rules. Your activity can cause the statements to be executed in the desired sequence. If your situation requires many statements executed in sequence, consider using a stored procedure.
Field | Description |
Delete SQL | Follow the guidelines in Data Mapping in
SQL. Enter an SQL statement directly into the text box. You can use a
DELETE statement, TRUNCATE statement, or
DROP statement in this tab. |
Error Handler Flow | Optional. Identify a flow rule that is to be started when this connector rule
is started by a flow rule but fails when the Integrator shape throws a
ConnectorException exception. The default flow rule
Work-.ConnectionProblem provides one approach for handling such
problems. |
Test Connectivity | After you save this rule, you can click to confirm connectivity to the database. No database operations are performed. |
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