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Reporting test progress and results

Updated on September 25, 2019

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The Test Management Framework (TMF) provides a variety of reporting features that include runtime snapshots of your test definitions, coverage, progress, and execution results. As you become familiar with the framework and the available features, customize the reports to meet your organization's test reporting needs.

Reporting is embedded in the views and gadgets in the test portal. The standard report formats include:

  • Displayed inventories that you can click on to examine details about test definitions and test executions
  • Charts with interactive controls and drill-down capability to the lowest level of detail
  • Run-time management reports that track up-to-the-minute test progress, productivity, test coverage, and results
  • Microsoft Word test definition and execution documents generated using test definition and execution details.



The Test Definitions and Test Executions inventories are displayed on the Test Definitions and Test Executions views of the test portal. The displayed values provide a snapshot of the number of test definitions and test executions that are managed in the system for the "in-context" application (the testing application that is selected in the navigation bar of the portal).

To drill down into the underlying details of a specific number, click on that value in the table.

Test Definitions Inventory

Located directly below the worklist on the Test Definitions view, this inventory provides a snapshot of the number of test suite and scenario definitions for the in-context application and version, organized by their status:

  • Under construction
  • Defined (definitions complete and ready to include in test runs)
  • Retired from use


Select a number to display a table of relevant items:

These tables can be exported to Excel.

To see a description of a scenario definition, expand its row in the table.

To drill-down to more information about a suite or scenario, select its row. Information about the item is displayed at the bottom of the window:

  • Click Review to open the item
  • Click Attachments to work with attachments stored with the item.
  • Click on the In Flow link to see the point at which the suite or scenario definition is in its development process.


Test Executions Inventory

Located directly below the worklist on the Test Executions view, this inventory provides a snapshot of the number of test runs and scenario executions for the in-context application and version, organized by their status:

  • Are in progress
  • Have been cancelled
  • Have finished running (are resolved)


Select a number to display a table of relevant items:

These tables can be exported to Excel.

To see a description of the scenario executions within a test run, open one of the Scenario Execution tables and expand the row:

To drill-down to more information about an item, select its row. Information about the item is displayed at the bottom of the window:

  • Click Review to open the item
  • Click Attachments to work with attachments stored with the item.
  • Click on the In Flow link to see the point at which the test run or scenario execution is in its process.


Interactive Charts

Interactive charts display graphical summaries of your test definitions and executions for the in-context application and version. They also display real time summaries of test definition and execution progress. Access these interactive charts from the Dashboard and Reports views.


The Dashboard view automatically displays key interactive charts that are often used to get a quick overview of the progress of test definitions and test executions for the in-context application. Every time you display the dashboard, the charts refresh with the latest information.


Management Reports

The Reports view displays the standard run-time management reports that are shipped with the framework. This set is a combination of interactive charts, summary view, and list view types of reports. Reports with interactive charts have a symbol next to their names.

Test Definition Reports

This report group monitors and tracks:

  • Open scenarios and test suites
  • Test definition progress
  • The mix of manual and automated scenarios out of the total set
  • Use case coverage in scenarios and test suites (traceability)


Test Execution Reports

This report group monitors and tracks:

  • Daily test results and trends
  • Test failures
  • Test run statistics


You can update the Dashboard and Reports views to display other reports that you design to meet your organization's test monitoring needs. Use the Create Custom Report tool on the Report view to create and customize your reports.

Related help topics: Interactive chart - Definition; About the V5 Report Wizard

Creating Testing Documentation

Use the Document Tests menu choice to create formatted documents that capture information about the test definitions and status and results of executions throughout the testing lifecycle. You can edit and store the generated report outside of the framework.

You generate the report on-demand, whenever you need documentation that shows testing progress for an application. The generated documents are based on Microsoft Word templates, which you can customize to meet your organization's needs.

To generate a testing report:
  1. Select Tools > Document Tests. The documentation wizard opens.
  2. Select the application, version, document category (Test Definition or Test Execution), and template.

    For the wizard to progress, if you select Test Definition, there must be at least one test suite defined in the system. If you select Test Execution, there must be at least one test execution record in the system.

    Note: TMF comes with two model templates: Test Definition Document and Test Execution Document. You can customize these templates to meet your organization's needs and preferences.

  3. Click Next >>.
  4. If Test Definition is the selected category, specify the test suites to include in the report. If Test Execution is the selected category, specify the test runs to include. Click Next >>.
  5. Select the level of detail to include in the generated document. Click Next >>.
  6. Click Create Document.

    The system opens Microsoft Word and displays the generated document. Use the Save as action in Word to save the report as a local file.

  7. Click Cancel to end and close the wizard.

See TMF - Customizing test document templates for steps on how to customize the look of the testing documentation according to your organization's needs.

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