Creating a report shortcut
Manage, run, and share reports quicker by creating reports shortcuts. You can create a report shortcut by creating a shortcut rule.
- In the header of Dev Studio, click .
- In the Label field, enter the title or description of the record.
- Optional: To edit the shortcut name, in the Identifier field, click
Edit, and then provide a new name.By default, the Identifier field inherits the name from the Label field. A valid identifier name starts with a letter, and consists of letters, digits, and underscores.
- Set the shortcut display details:
Choices Actions Display the shortcut in one of the standard categories - In the Owner Type list, select Standard.
- Optional: To edit the owner, in the Owner field, enter an owner
name.By default, the Owner field value is ALL.
Display the shortcut in one of the shared categories - In the Owner Type list, select Shared.
- In the Owner list, select an Operator ID.
Display the shortcut in one of the personal categories - In the Owner Type list, select Personal.
- In the Owner list, select an Operator ID.
- In the Category name list, select a shortcut category.
- Configure the shortcut context:
- In the Development branch list, select a development branch.
- Under the Development branch list, select one of the applications.
- In the Add to ruleset list, select a ruleset to which the shortcut applies.
- Optional: To associate a work item with the shortcut, in the Work item to associate field, press the Down arrow key, and then select a work item.
- Click Create and open.
- In the Edit Shortcut section, enter the shortcut details:
- In the Shortcut title field, enter a shortcut title.
- In the Report description field, enter a report description.
- In the Rule type list, select the report type to which the shortcut applies.
- In the Applies to field, press the Down arrow key, and then select an entity to which the shortcut applies.
- In the Rule key field, press the Down arrow key, and then select a rule key to which the shortcut applies.
- Optional: To add a shortcut parameter, click Add parameter, and then specify the parameter details.
- Click Save.
- Optional: To view all of the report shortcuts for the application, click .
- Managing reports shortcuts
Manage report shortcuts by renaming, moving, copying, or deleting them. The Report Browser displays manageable report shortcuts in the form of tiles.
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