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Setting resource limits for reporting

Updated on April 5, 2022

You can set system resource limits that apply when running reports and exporting report data. These resource limits specify the maximum number of rows to retrieve, the maximum elapsed time (in seconds) for the database query, and the number of rows to export at a time.

You can view the current system-wide resource limits on the Settings tab of the Reporting Settings landing page. You can update these system-wide settings, or you can specify resource limits for a particular report or for reports within a particular class.

To specify system-wide resource limits:

  1. In the Dev Studio header, click ConfigureReportingSettings.

    In the Resource limits when running reports and Resource limits when exporting data from reports sections, you can update the following settings:

    • Maximum number of rows to retrieve
    • Maximum elapsed time (in seconds) for database query
    • Number of rows to export at a time (applies to exporting report data only)
  2. Click the Open rule icon to open the application settings data instance for the resource limit that you want to update. Each data instance has five rows labeled Value per production level.
  3. Change the settings for one or all production levels by saving a copy of the data instance in a ruleset, and updating the resource limits.
  4. Save the data instance. The change affects all operators using access groups that have the ruleset that you saved the data instance into as the top ruleset in their production ruleset list.

You might need to log out and log in again for the changes to take effect.

To specify resource limits for particular reports:

  1. Open the Report Definition rule form for the report that you want to update.
  2. You can specify the default settings for report definitions created in a particular class by updating the templates for that class ( pyDefaultReport for list reports and pyDefaultSummaryReport for summarized reports).
  3. On the Data Access tab, update the following fields in the General data access settings section:
    • Maximum number of rows to retrieve – Specify the maximum number of result rows to retrieve for the report.
    • Maximum elapsed time in seconds – Specify the maximum elapsed time in seconds that the report can run before being interrupted.
    • Maximum number of rows for export – Specify the maximum number of result rows to export.
    • Maximum elapsed time in seconds for export – Override the default of 30 seconds if your system generally requires more time to export a report.
  4. Save your changes.
  • Disabling the creation of an Info sheet in Excel output

    When you export report results to Microsoft Excel, the process creates a Data sheet and an Info sheet in the Excel file. The Info sheet contains the report title, filters used to generate the report, the date when the report was generated, and the number of results returned. If you want the report title and filters to display on the first sheet rather than the Info sheet, you can disable this default functionality.

  • Reporting Settings landing page

    From the Reporting Settings landing page, you can view the resource limits for running reports and exporting data, define associations for map charts, schedule reports, manage usage reports, and view SQL functions.

  • Previous topic Managing scheduled reporting tasks in Dev Studio
  • Next topic Disabling the creation of an Info sheet in Excel output

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