Copying rulesets
To speed up application development, reuse resources by copying rulesets. For example, you can copy a ruleset if you want to modify only some of the rules that the ruleset includes, to increase flexibility of your application.
For instance, if you create an application that processes loan requests and mortgage requests, you can copy a ruleset that includes system-level agreement rules, and then modify specific rules to meet your unique business needs.
When you copy a ruleset, the system copies the ruleset
versions, security, category, and history settings.
- In the header of Dev Studio, click .
- On the RuleSet Stack tab, in the Current Application section, click the ruleset that you want to copy.
- In the header of the Edit Ruleset form, click the Down arrow next on the Save button, and then click Save as.
- Optional: To provide additional information about the ruleset, in the Short description field, modify the default description.
- In the RuleSet Name field, enter a new, unique ruleset name.
- Optional: To change the version number of your ruleset, in the
Version field, enter a new value.By default, for a new ruleset version, the system enters 01-01-01 as the version number. For existing rulesets, the system increments the highest version by one patch number. In a version number, the two first digits correspond with the release, the middle digits correspond with the minor version or enhancement, and the final digits correspond with the patch version.
- Optional: To change the description of your ruleset, in the
Description field, enter a new value.By default, the system forms the description by combining the ruleset name and version number.
- Click Create and open.
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