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Verifying a one-time password by calling an activity

Updated on July 1, 2021

You can verify a one-time password by calling an activity. Use this method to verify a one-time password in an application that is running on Pega Platform version 7.3 or later.

Before you begin: Complete the Generating a one-time password procedure.
  1. Create an activity.

    For more information about how to create an activity, see Creating an activity.

  2. On the Pages & Classes tab of the Activity form, define the page that passes the parameters to the pxVerifyOTP activity and an OperatorID page to access the Operator instance.
    1. In the Page name field, enter the name of the page that passes parameters to the activity.
      For example: OTPInputs
    1. In the Class field, enter Embed-OTPInputs.
    2. Click the Plus icon to add a new parameter.
    3. In the Page name field, enter OperatorID.
    4. In the Class field, enter Data-Admin-Operator-ID.
  3. On the Steps tab, in the first step, create a page.
    1. In the Method list, press the Down Arrow key, and select Page-New.
    2. In the Step page field, enter the name of the previously defined page that passes the parameters.
      For example: OTPInputs
  4. Add a second step to the activity to configure the page properties
    1. In the Method field, click the Down Arrow key, and select Property-Set.
    2. In the Step page field, enter the name of the page that passes parameters to the activity.
      For example: OTPInputs
    3. Click the Expand icon, and then provide the following name-value pairs in the PropertiesName and PropertiesValue fields:

      pyReferenceID — Enter the Reference ID returned by the pxSendOTP activity when it generated the one-time password.

      pyOTPValue — Enter the one-time password value entered by the user.

  5. Add a third step to the activity that calls the pxVerifyOTP activity.
    1. In the Method field, enter Call pxVerifyOTP.
    2. In the Step page field, enter OperatorID.
  6. Add a fourth step to the activity that reads the Reference ID.
    1. In the Method field, click the Down Arrow key, and select Property-Set.
    2. In the Step page field,enter the name of the OTPInputs page.
      For example: OTPInputs
    3. Click the Expand icon, and then provide the following name-value pairs in the PropertiesName and PropertiesValue fields:

      PropertiesName field — Enter Primary.OTPStatus.

      PropertiesValue field — Enter .pyOTPStatus.

    4. Click the Add item icon to add another parameter, and then provide the following name-value pairs in the PropertiesName and PropertiesValue fields:

      PropertiesName field — Enter Primary.OTPStatusMessage.

      PropertiesValue field — Enter .pyOTPStatusMessage.

  7. Click Save.

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